Chapter 5 Part 2- Adrien's Hobby

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* Ya girl did some writing during 4th period today in class. Got 2 and a half pages of this story written. I guess thats good. Probably gonna do some more writing after I post this bad boy. -Rezy *

* Short boy *

*Nova's POV*

I was really confused as Adrien tossed the phone to me. He gave me the finger phone towards his ear and mouth basically telling me to answer. Slowly I did, "Uh. Hello?" I said softly. "Alright kids. I can tell that this isn't Adrien anymore. So Im assuming that this is Marinette Nadar right? Its Principal Damocles." Damocles said as I gulped giving a look towards Adrien who was leaning on the counter with a concerned face. "Yes It's Marinette Nadar... Adriens here too." I slowly said while keeping my eyes locked on Adrien. "Good. Is Adriens parents in? I'd like to talk to them if possible." "No sorry his parents wont be here for the next couple of days." I said which made Adrien sigh as I spoke. "Well you both will be getting a unexcused absence for all of your classes today. I'll also need to call your mother-" "No!" I shouted loudly making me instantly regret it because Adrien moved quickly towards me with a concerned face as I face palmed.

Adrien whispered, 'Whats going on?!'. "Excuse me?" Damocles said in a angry tone yet I sighed. "Sorry about that Principal Damocles. But you understand how short tempered my mother is..-" Adrien was listening in so I just put the phone on speaker, setting it down on the counter. "- She'll probably forced me to go back to homeschooling.. and I really love being at school even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it." I continued as Adrien put his arms on the counter with me leaning in closer to the now speaker phone. Damocles sighed. "I do understand. You are one of are best students here Marinette, you do give the school a good reputation. It would be a shame for you to leave. -Silence- Fine. I'll give you a pass this single time alright? You need me to do the same for Adrien? Nino told me that he was sick." Damocles said as I looked at Adrien who had a pleading face on.

"Ya on my way to school I found him in a alleyway throwing up. I thought I'd be a good friend and take care of him since his parents are out for awhile. And if your going to ask why he answered the phone, I was getting him something light to eat, when the phone rang he just immediately grabbed it." I finished my brief explaining to Damocles as Adrien gave me a nod as silence filled the air. "Alright, I'm assuming that Adrien is listening along so listen up. I'll excuse both of all your absences this time Adrien, Marinette. But only this time, if this happens again I'll be forced to call both of your parents. Let this be are little secret alright?" I sighed in relief along with Adrien as we both said alright, yet Adrien had to tighten his voice a little to sound sick. "I hope to see you all Monday then. Have a good weekend, and Adrien. Feel better soon." And with that Principal Damocles ended the call, quickly afterwards we both stayed in silence before I broke it with a giggle.

*Adriens POV*

I joined in as Marinette started giggling at the conversation with our Principal. A couple seconds past by when we both had calmed down. Her head was on the counter with her arms covering it as I just did a soft smile towards her as I put the phone back. "So... you want any f-food?" I said as my stuttering came back which honestly confused me as she lifted her head up with a smile. "Sure! We baking something or ordering?" she said as I gently gasped when she said order. "We do not order in this family! We bake!" I said softly yet just enough for her to hear as I led her down to the bakery's kitchen. Which thankfully was semi-clean, which was probably all of my brother Jacob's doing.

"G-Go put on an apron. I think we have enough ingredients to make some croissants if thats good with you?" I said lightly as I put an apron while looking at what we had to work with. "Ya that seems fine. I've never really had those before. -I turned to her- Model diet stuff." She responded with a shrug as I sighed in sadness towards her. Soon we both got out the right amount of the ingredients for a few croissants. Thankfully thats one of the best things that I can make besides macaroons. I coached her as we well mainly her, put the ingredients into the mixing bowl. Within 15 minutes, and a food fight later, we where wrapping the dough into a croissant shape. Marinette was still trying to stop her laughing and trying to focus on the dough, yet I still couldn't help but chuckle at the still pieces of dough in her long low ponytail.

After awhile of mainly Marinette chatting about school and Calvin, I grabbed the last croissant and took a bite. "Calvin's probably freaking out, running around school trying to find me. -She sighed- I'm glad that I turned off my phone I'll be honest." She said as I started to reply, totally forgetting that my mouth was full of buttery croissant bread. Quickly covering my openned mouth as bread crumbs flew from my mouth making Marinette slightly laugh. "You can tell me after your done chewing." I nodded slightly flustered in embarrassment. Couple seconds later I swallowed with a added sigh which was to cover my embarrassing laugh. "I-I was trying to say... that he um.. probably sent you a shit ton of messages..." I said awkwardly chuckling as she put a piece of her hair that escaped from her low ponytail behind her ear.

"Well, why don't we see how many he sent?" She said while pulling her phone out from her jean pocket and turned it on. Almost immediately her phone started to violently vibrate as messages from Calvin appeared on the lock screen; a couple voicemails too. "Clingy much?" I muttered yet I was mean't to think it, causing a giggle from the girl sitting next to me on the floor as she turned off her phone. 'God this is honestly awkward.. I kinda wish I could just go write some of my story. But how do I like bring it up?' I thought, clearly out of it as Marinette shuffled from where she was sitting. As if she read my thoughts... "Hey Adrien?" "mhm?" I responded half listening and forgetting that I was speaking to my crush.

"I always see you writing in that notebook over there -I faced her- during class. If you dont mind my asking but, what do you write in there?" She asked as I started to pay more attention, looking to where she had pointed to see my writing notebook. Its a notebook where I write scenes or ideas for my stories in. Quickly standing up I sped walked over to it and picked it up, looking down at the dark blue cover. "I-Its embarrassing.." I muttered yet loud enough for Marinette who had also stood up, clearly interested. Yet that interest left her eyes after I spoke. "Then you don't have to tell me. Sorry for asking Adrien!" She apologized as I looked up from the cover to her. "N-No no its fine. It's just... its my writing notebook." I explained to her what it was not without of course stuttering multiple times.

I genuinely started to wonder on how I survived the last couple hours. Marinette gasped loudly, clearly interested again as she clapped her hands together gaining my attention once more. "What story are you writing?!" gulping I responded. "I-It's a story that has the main character, Oliver play a VR game. He meets the love interest who's username is Renaflight, his is Rayshadow. Apparently shes the silent girl in his class in real life. Oliver likes Renaflight while in real life Rena has a crush on Oliver. Its basically a l-love square story.." I stuttered on the word love as I made eye contact with her, her blue bell eyes gleaming with interest. I sat down on my office chair as she picked up a stool and sat down next to me, facing the computer as I pulled up pictures of Rena and Oliver- including there other identities. "Awww honestly I wont lie, Im a true sucker for romance. And this seems like a really good thought out story! -She turned to face me- Is it published anywhere?" I gulped putting a hand behind my head.

"U-Uhh actually your the first person that I showed this story too..." I said as Marinette seemed shocked. "I-Its just that I write slowly... and take my time so I-I feel like if I published it on Wattpad or something people will get mad at my slow posting..." I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up beat red I saw Marinette's innocent smile on her face. "I understand, you don't want to disappoint anyone. I get it." There was awkward silence for almost a minute before Marinette removed her hand from my shoulder. "Well, what scene are you writing now?" She said as I shrugged, pulling up my story and scrolling all the way down. "Olivers c-confession scene.. -I awkwardly laughed- I'm not good at writing confessions. So basically Im stumped." Marinette's blue bell eyes shone as she turned to me again. "Can I help?! I've has a lot of confessions being said to me and I do watch a lot of TV!" Quickly that shimmer in her eye died down. "Wait... thats actually really sad that I've rejected all those guys... -She awkwardly laughed facing me- I can't help it if I don't feel the same way.." 'Thanks for the confidence boost.' I almost slapped my head at that thought sighing. "Um well y-you can help me write it.. why not."

* Because Im lazy and I want too the next Chapter will be the story Adrien and Marinette are writing, with little clips of them talking to each other trying to figure out what to write down. whY nOt I nEeD SpaCe AnD thiNgs To dO -Rezy *

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