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June 22nd, 2023

"Where have you been all week?" Chuey asked when I walked into the kitchen, I shrugged as I poured myself a bowl of cereal but didn't bother to look at him. "You good?" He asked and I felt eyes on me, I turned to see Edgar, Cesar and some Mexican girl staring at me.

"Who the fuck is this?" I asked pointing my pinky at the girl as I ate my cereal, the girl looked at Chuey then at me and smiled "you must be Oscar? Jesus's nephew I'm-"

I started laughing and rolled my eyes, "don't care besides, it's Spooky to you." I said as I kept eating and I noticed Edgar make a face at me "problem?" I asked as I opened my eyes a bit wider and tilted my head a little.

"What crawled up your ass this morning? Where is positive smiley Oscar?" He asked and I didn't say anything back to him, two weeks of that shitty attitude is starting to irritate me and I'm fighting with myself because right now I want to chuck this bowl at him and split his forehead down the middle.

"Don't you have friends to go kick it with? Go hang out with Luis, call Monse or something." I waved a hand at him but Edgar stood there staring at me and his eyes were starting to water.

"What?" I raised my voice slightly and he scoffed before running out of the house, "wow a tense day to come and finally meet the boys isn't it?" The girl laughed and my eyes focused on her again "did this bitch just call me a boy?"

Chuey stepped closer to me and shook his head, "what's with the random ass attitude?" He asked "you're usually all happy go lucky, well mannered n shit- obnoxious is Cesar's thing, no one likes this version of you so fix it." He waved his hand in my face but I slapped it away, "no one likes your bitch so fix it." I waved my hand in his face the same way he did, before I shoved him away.

Cesar started to laugh but stopped when me and Chuey both looked at him, "oh- I can't giggle?" He asked throwing both of his arms up.

Chuey shook his head but I nodded and my uncle turned to glare at me before pushing me a little "can we talk outside for a second?" He asked and I rolled my eyes before walking to the door.

"What's up, Jesus?" I batted my lashes at him and he made a disgusted face "are you going to tell me what your problem is? Or are you just going to keep acting like my hurt side bitch?"

I started laughing as I threw my head back, "you're so hilarious, Jesus. You're just so funny, bitches must love that about you huh?" I rolled my eyes as I looked out at the street.

He was another one I wanted to put my hands on, surprisingly Cesar was the only Díaz that wasn't on some bullshit- and it's Cesar, he's always got some bullshit going on.

The fact that he was quiet lately is starting to scare me, because something is bound to blow up and my brother is going to be in the center of it all soon enough.

What sucks about this Díaz is I couldn't even tell Chuey why I was angry, because telling him why would be revealing Dior is his daughter. I've spent almost everyday this week with that little girl, and there was this instant connection because she's my cousin.

Hell, she was more like my niece because me and Chuey grew up as brothers but that only made this worse and knowing he has some bitch that he's focusing on pisses me off and I don't even know if I have a right to be mad.

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