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I can't imagine how hard it must be, to be you
Adopting all your history, it's hard being me too

Are your secrets where you left them?
Cause now your ghosts are mine as well

I think it's time I met them and I think it's time you tell

And you should have told me when you met me
All these things I should know

I should have asked, we should have talked
About this so long ago

June 18th, 2023

"What are you doing up so early?" Cesar frowned at me when I walked into the kitchen, "and where are you doing all dressed up?" He asked raising his eye brow at me and I frowned "dressed up? I'm just dressed?"

Cesar pursed his lips and squinted "your face is all smooth, you smell good, chains shining and shit. You ain't going out to see no bitch?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, "Oscar don't get no bitches." Eddie cackled from the couch, and I walked over to snatch the x box controller from him.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked as I grabbed his face and looked at his eyes but he smacked his lips and snatched the controller back "worry about what the fuck you got going on and get out of my face, stupid."

I blinked at him a couple times as I tilted my head back, then frowned and looked at Cesar who laughed "he's spoiled." He sang as I walked away from Eddie who had his headphones back on and was screaming into the mic.

"When did he get that mouth?" I asked and Cesar shrugged "I told you- when you left he started acting like that. Mouthing off to me and Chuey all the fuckin time, never listening to shit we said. Trying to stay out all hours of the night, he just stopped listening."

I squinted at Eddie then turned to Cesar "where's Chuey anyways?" I asked looking down the hall, I didn't hear him at all or see him for the rest of the weekend and in a sense I was a little glad because I didn't know how I'd keep the Dior secret from him.

"Probably with his girl," Cesar shrugged again as he continued to eat his cereal but I pulled the bowl from him before he could get another bite "he got a girl? Since when?"

"It's been like a year and some change- maybe two years now or about to be?" Cesar scrunched his face up like he was thinking, then he looked at me "yeah like two years maybe? He got with her some time after you left. Pretty serious, he might move out."

I didn't like hearing that, I should be happy for my uncle and normally I would be. But knowing he has Dior, and knowing what him and Amber once had and how it was all fucked up when they were so young.

I didn't want him to have a girl, I wanted him to get that love they lost because of some greasy ass Santo that couldn't leave other people alone. If I could go back in time, I would have killed Big Smoke a lot slower for everything he's done.

Cesar's face changed a little as he kept his eyes on mine, "don't worry Mano- it's a big change but he really likes her." I smiled at him softly before I reached for my keys and Cesar groaned "don't get in your feelings about Chuey bro, we all gotta grow up someday but what matters is you don't get a girl and move out."

He started laughing as he got up from the table then put a hand on my chest and stopped laughing "so where you going? To go see some bitch?"

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