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June 23rd, 2023

I waited all day yesterday for Oscar to come home, and it's now four in the afternoon- he's still not home. I even called him a couple times, I didn't know what id say but he never picked up anyways.

Not coming home, and not checking in after what the Latin Kings pulled yesterday wasn't a good idea but Oscar never takes shit seriously.

"Hey, you talk to Oscar? Do you know where he is?" I asked Cesar when he walked into the living room and he shrugged "I saw him this morning when he cut the homies their supply and collected but right now? I'm pretty sure he's with Nani and the girls. He's been with them like everyday after he handles his shit."

I nodded slowly and snuck a few glances at Cesar as he sat on the couch "what you gettin into today?" I asked and he just shrugged "you know me- the on call plug." He laughed a little as he turned on the X box.

"Just play it safe when you meet up to deliver, honestly I'd have everyone come to you. It's been too quiet since Oscar got out, and you know LK is still pissed about Oscar taking out Slick." I kept replaying that finger gun being aimed at Oscar, it's just a matter of time before it's a real one and he's out there playing games as usual.

"Slick wasn't that damn Slick if Oscar took his ass out," Cesar laughed out loud but when I didn't he rolled his eyes "lighten up Chuey- I'll be careful okay?"

I sucked my teeth and nodded again, "hey? What's Amber's daughter's name?"

Cesar didn't bother to look away from the Tv when he asked "which one?"

I sat back on the couch and sighed "the older one, I don't really care what the little ones name is." Suddenly the Cesar stopped playing the game and when I looked up he was staring at me.

"What the fuck did you just say?" He asked and I shrugged "I said I don't care what the little one's name is."

It was just the honest truth, there were so many rumors about Amber and after looking at that little one it's starting to sound like those Prophet rumors are true.

"She's Ambers daughter why don't- she's not a fucking prophet baby. Goddamn, are you still on that shit? Amber would never do shit like that, you two used to be thick as hell I don't know why you started acting like that." Cesar cut his hand through the air at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Then who's the little one's dad?" I asked and he shrugged "why the fuck do you care? You never wanted to talk about Amber or Leilani. You and Oscar were always acting funny and didn't want to know shit about them, now you're fishing for information for what?"

I stared at Cesar who stared right back at me, I didn't want to say what I was thinking because I didn't even know what I was thinking.

"Are you inquiring because you found out that you were being stupid as fuck eight years ago? And you want the little one to be a prophet baby so you feel like the choices you made were somewhat justified?" He gave me an irritated smirk, but that only irritated me as well.

"So you knew all this time?" I asked and he shook his head "no, Dior texted me about it yesterday. That's your daughter's name, Dior. And her little sister, who is not a prophet baby is Maui. But it makes sense Dior is your kid, she acts a lot like you. Except she's not stupid as fuck, her mom's genes saved her in that department."

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