Chapter One

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It was an average Sunday at the ford household. Sixteen year old Alyssa was in her room, copying make up tutorials. Eighteen year old brother Peter was sat on the sofa, watching the news. Twenty eight year old mary, was in the kitchen preparing lunch for her children and husband. Thirty year old husband Henry, was outside gardening in the sun. The fords pretended they were a perfect family, fitting in with the other neighbours and living in the fancy house. This however was a complete lie. Not that the children were aware, but Mary's life was hell. Her husband was an awful man to her, but acted as the innocent stereotypical father around the children. "Lunch time!" Called out Mary, as she put ham and cheese sandwiches on four plates, along with crisps and fruit. She untied her apron and hung it up in the cupboard. Her outfits were always impressive. Today she wore a medium length black skirt, and a white shirt. She had her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, and her makeup was done to perfection. She was beautiful, as if she belonged on the cover of vogue.

Alyssa came running down the stairs to collect her lunch. Her makeup was finished and it looked almost perfect. Alyssa was a spitting image of Mary. "Love the make up hunny" she complimented Alyssa. Alyssa smiled and grabbed her plate. She sat at the kitchen island and began to take a big bite out of her sandwich. That's when Peter got up off the sofa, and made his way to the kitchen. "Cheers mum" he said as he sat next to Alyssa on the kitchen island stools. Mary began to eat her sandwhich and Henry had walked in from working in the garden. His shirt was covered with mud stains and sweat sparkling on his forehead. "Thanks but I think I'll have my lunch in the sun" he said to Mary as he took the plate and went outside to sit on the garden chair. "Wonderful idea. I'll come join you" agreed Mary. She made her way to the garden door and joined her husband.

As they both finished their lunch, Henry stared at the garden. "I've done a good job haven't i?" He asked Mary. "Of course you have. You always do" she complimented him. "Maybe those pots would look better over there?" She suggested. Henry looked at her as if she had offended him. "Shut up Mary. Your job is to stay in the kitchen. I know what's good for the garden. You don't" he replied. Mary went silent. "Let me show you something Mary" Henry demanded. Mary stood up and followed Henry as he led her round the corner of the house. "Look at this" he told her as he patted his hand on top of a plastic container. "Perfect for the pool supplies" she commented. "Big enough to fit a dead body in there" Henry laughed. "You shouldn't joke about that" said Mary. Henry scoffed and went inside. "Get the plates Mary" he yelled out. She walked across the grass and collected the plates. They clanked together as she placed one on top of the other. She walked around the pool with the half open cover on it, and made her way inside. Mary put the plates in the sink and began to wash each one. Peter returned to watching the news and Alyssa started curling her hair upstairs. Henry had gone upstairs for a shower.

After a while Peter had fallen asleep on the sofa and Alyssa was picking out an outfit to wear tomorrow. She was going out with her friends. Mary came into the living room and put a blanket over Peter. She made her way back into the kitchen to put the rest of the dishes away. Henry came down in a change of clothes and his short brown hair still wet. "Have a nice shower dear?" She asked. Mary picked up a glass to put it back in the cupboard, but it slipped out her hand and shattered onto the floor. She let out a gasp as she jumped back to avoid getting cut. Henry looked at her annoyed. She looked at him scared. Henry walked up to her and slapped her round the face. "Stupid bitch. Clean it up now"he said in her face. Mary wiped the tear falling down her cheek before Henry could see. That's when Alyssa came into the kitchen. "Is everything okay? What happened?" She asked. "Oh nothing sweetheart I just dropped a cup" she replied with a fake smile. Mary swept the glass up and Henry went into the living room to watch tv.

That's when the doorbell rang. Alyssa answered as if it was an emergency. It was Leslie Jones. She was your average nosy neighbour. Black curly hair and a blue flowery dress. She wore the same red lipstick and bold eyelashes. "Hello dear!" She said in her loud cheerily voice. Sometimes the woman spoke to a high pitch only dogs could hear.  "Hey Leslie" replied Alyssa. "I thought your mum might want a cup of tea with me" which came more across as an order instead of a question. Alyssa prayed that she hadn't brought her daughter with her. They didn't get along at all. She hated her. Leslie barged in and went straight to the kitchen, her heels clonked and echoes on the wooden flooring. Alyssa was about to shut the door but that's when a hand pushed it back open. It was her. Harper jones, Leslie's daughter. "Hey Alyssa!" She jumped on her with a tight hug. Harper acted like Alyssa's best friend. She wasn't. Harper was able to fool so many people. Harper was the one who shared Alyssa's diary around her primary school, spilling who her crush was. Harper was the one who pulled the fire alarm and blamed Alyssa. Because harper was known as the 'good girl' of the class, the teachers believed she could do no wrong. "Hello Harper" replied Alyssa as she gritted her teeth. "Let's go to your room!" Harper suggested. "We can't sorry there's a bit of redecoration happening up there. Paint pots and sheets. You know that kinda stuff" lied Alyssa. Harper went into the kitchen. "Hey Mrs Ford!" She shouted as she entered the kitchen as if she was the main character. Mary didn't like harper either. In fact, no one did. "Alyssa tells me you are redecorating upstairs". Alyssa nodded her head behind Harper. "Ah yes we are" Mary went along with Alyssa's lie. Harper's voice was just as loud and annoying as her mother's. Their voices together could raise the dead. Peter was woken up by the sound of harper's annoying greeting. He walked into the kitchen half asleep. His hair was a little messy and his eyes were squinted. "Hey Peter" said harper, in a flirty tone. Every time she came over, she would try to hit on Peter. "Hi Harper" he replied, oblivious to his surroundings.

Mary turned the kettle on and grabbed two white mugs while the water boiled. She put them both on the kitchen counter with a clink. Leslie watched Mary make the tea as if she was waiting for her to make a mistake.

The tea was made and a conversation continued. It was mostly a one sided conversation, since Leslie was mostly just talking about herself, and how great her life is. Alyssa and Harper had gone into the living room to watch a film. They were watching a horror. They both sat in silence and the light all of a sudden flickered off. Harper screamed. Then the door began to move. Harper screamed again. "Get a grip girl" said Henry, who was still in the living room. That's when the light turned back on. Peter came through the door. "Only joking guys it's me" he laughed. I found this funny too. "Peter i can't you did that, silly" harper gave him a little punch in the arm flirtatiously. "Harper we are leaving!" Announced Leslie. I think the entire neighbourhood heard her. Harper gave Alyssa a death like squeeze of a hug. " bye Alyssa!" She yelled. "Goodbye Parker" she winked at him. Once Leslie and harper had finally left Alyssa and Mary stood at the door. "Fake bitches" they both said at the same time.

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