Chapter Eighteen

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Officer Ronnie came rushing out of the police station and into his police car. He turned the engine on and slammed his foot on the accelerator. He was on his way to catch Mary as quick as he could.

Meanwhile at the hospital Mary was sat with Peter still watching over him. "Any news from Alyssa?" Asked Peter. "Unfortunately not. I'm worried sick. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything. "Okay replied Peter. He was feeling better each day, healing up nicely. Hopefully the nurse was right and he could come home soon. "I'll be right back" said Mary with a smile. She went into the toilets and began to cry. She didn't want Peter to see her cry. She was so scared about Alyssa and just wanted to know something. All she could do was hope as much as she could that Alyssa was safe. Unfortunately Alyssa was at home being tortured by Cameron. Mary wasn't aware of this of course.

After a few minutes of tears, she wiped her eyes with her fingers, and splashed some water on her cheeks to disguise the previous tears that had strolled down her cheeks. She sniffled and straightened out her clothes. She began to accept the fact she needed to go home and shower. She had been in the clothes for too long.

Mary returned to Peter and sat down next to him. "Peter I think I need to go back home quickly, because I can't stay like this any longer. I need to take a shower and freshen up" explained Mary. "Mum I get it, go spruce up and come back I'll be perfectly fine I promise" replied Peter, putting his hand on hers to comfort her. She smiled. "Okay" she nodded and stood up. "I'll come back as quick as I can" Mary told Peter. As she left the room, she went to the main desk. "Please keep a special eye on him. I get worried" she told them. "Of course, we will do our best to assure his safety" replied the nurse. "Thank you" Mary told them. As she walked out the automatic glass doors, she saw officer Ronnie pull up, with his partner Eddie. She gasped and her eyes widened. "Mary looked directly at Ronnie and he looked at her back. That's when she turned back around and ran back down the hospital hall and into Peter's room, locking it behind her. The officers charged after her. "What's going on??" Asked Peter concerned. "They know. They know about your father and they know I pushed Leslie in front of that car" Mary told him. "Wait you pushed her in front of the car?" Asked Peter shocked. "Yes" she confessed to him. Peter didn't say anything because he wasn't sure what to reply with. "She could hear the police's footsteps running down the hall to Peter's room. They pushed down on the handle and it didn't open. Ronnie banged on the door. "Mary open up!" He shouted. She didn't reply. "Don't worry Peter I won't say anything about you and Alyssa. As far as they know it was all me and it will stay that way" she told him. "No! That's not fair you'll get longer time in prison. We need you!" He replied, his voice breaking scared he was going to lose his mother to the police. Ronnie started kicking down on the door to bust it open. The hospital door was surprisingly stronger than he thought. "Mary unlock the door!" He shouted again. Mary still didn't reply. Mary could see the door slowly opening as wood splinters started splitting off the door and the hinges began to loosen.

After a while, Ronnie finally kicked the door in and it swung open hitting the wall. They ran into the room to find Mary had gone. "What's going on? Why are you looking for my mother?" Asked Peter pretending to be clueless of the whole situation. "Your mother isn't who she says she is kid" said Eddie. That's when they started looking around. "She's not here Ronnie" Eddie told Officer Ronnie. "That's impossible she just came in here. Look again!" He shouted in response. "She's not here I'm not lying!" Eddie shouted back, heated up in the moment. Eddie stood back at the door way telling Ronnie to look around the hospital. "She could've escaped through a vent or something" said Ronnie. "An air vent? She's a woman not a ninja!" Eddie replied. "This woman is a dangerous serial killer. She is dangerous and needs to be found now! I am your chief. If I say check an air vent you check an air vent. If I say cuff yourself to a car you cuff yourself to a car! Do you understand? Now look in other rooms!" Shouted Ronnie. That's when Eddie pointed at an open window. "Did she run out the window?" Asked Officer Eddie.  "I'm not sure" replied Ronnie as he closed the window shut. That's when he noticed a faint outline of  Mary's reflection in the window glass. "There!" He turned and pointed. She pushed the door and slammed it into Officer Eddie's face causing him to fall over. She ran out of the room. Officer Ronnie jumped over Eddie and ran after her. "FREEZE" he shouted as he had a gun pointed at Mary. She stopped running. "Turn around slowly with your hands in the air" he instructed Mary. "You wouldn't" she told him. Ronnie cocked the gun. "Try me" he replied. He kept the gun pointed at Mary's head and moved closer towards her. That's when he put it back in his side pocket and grabbed hold of Mary pushing her into the wall. "Mary Ford you're under arrest for the murder of Leslie Jones and Henry Ford" said Ronnie as he got his handcuffs out to click them on her wrists. That's when he felt something touch the side of his leg. Peter had slipped the gun out of his side pocket and pointed it at Ronnie. Without hesitation, he shot Ronnie in the shoulder. Ronnie fell to the ground. "Come on let's go!" Shouted Peter as he grabbed hold of Mary's wrist and ran for the hospital doors.

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