Chapter four

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Mary sat on the toilet staring at the positive pregnancy stick in her hand. She was silently freaking out. All the thoughts in her head were scrambling about and her hands began to shake. What was she going to do? "Mum your foods going cold hurry up!" Yelled out Peter from the bottom of the stairs. "Okay!" Replied Mary trying to keep a steady voice. She flushed the toilet, washed her hands and threw the pregnancy stick in the bathroom bin. She covered it with some tissue and wiped her tears. She had to stay strong for the children.

Mary slowly went down the stairs and took a deep breath to put on her best fake smile. She strutted into the kitchen as if nothing had happened. Alyssa and Peter were munching on their burgers. Mary gave them a smile and joined them at the table. Mary opened her mouth to bring up a positive conversation but Peter cut her off. "So when are we gonna move dad. His body can't stay there forever" he commented so casually as put more fries in his mouth. Mary went speechless. "What the fuck Peter?!" Shouted Alyssa. "It can't be avoided he's gonna need moving at some point" Peter commented again. Alyssa stood up and walked away, turning into a march up the stairs and a slam of her bedroom door. "Why Peter?" Asked Mary. "Why are you acting innocent? You smacked him round the head with the iron" he replied. Mary scoffed and walked away, into the living room.

Alyssa stayed in her room until morning. She had got changed and was ready to head to school. Mary kissed her on the forehead and gave her a lift to the school. She hopped out and ran to Olivia and her boyfriend. Mary watched them walk away, into the school building through her left wing mirror. She took a deep breath and drove home.

As Alyssa entered the school doors she felt as if everyone was staring at her. That's because they were. Their eyes followed her along with murmured whispers. She wasn't sure what they were whispering about but it definitely seemed like it was about her. "I'll be right back" she said to Olivia and her boyfriend Cameron. She ran into the toilets and locked herself in a stall. She sat trying to catch her breath. She slowed down her breathing but that's when she heard two girls come in. They were giggling and stood In front of the mirror, fixing their makeup. "So you know that Alyssa girl? Apparently there's been drama at her house" one of them commented. "Really? Are you sure? I swear she's always been the good girl with the perfect family" replied the other girl. "Yeah I'm sure. Harper told me and she literally lives next door to her. Obviously it spread as rumours usually do" they both giggled and left the toilet stall.

At this moment in time Alyssa felt rage. Pure and utter rage. She wanted to find harper and confront her. She slammed open the toilet stall and grabbed her bag. She left the toilets and gave Cameron her bag and began to storm off in search for harper. Cameron and Olivia seemed concerned so they ran after her.

Alyssa continued to look for harper until someone bumped into her and they both fell on the floor. "Oh I'm so sor- ALYSSA!" It was harper herself. She threw a death like hug at her and squealed. "How are you girl?!" She continued to squeal. "Cut the bullshit harper. I know you've been spreading lies about my family" she said calmly but was full of rage. Harper paused a fake smile then it slowly faded away. People began to stop and watch the pair of them in the middle of the hall. "I'm sorry Alyssa I have no clue what you're talking about" lied Harper. "Don't lie to me bitch!" She shouted at Harper. People around them began to get their phones out and record. Harper took a deep breath and smiled as she clapped her hands together. "So many problems ey Alyssa?" She said in a more bitchy tone. Alyssa gave her a death stare. "Maybe it's because you're struggling with your classes. Or because your life is such a scramble. I almost feel sorry for you. Or maybe it's because of daddy's issues with mummy?" Harper began to tease and laugh. Alyssa slapped harper around the face and the rest of the students gasped in sync. Harper slapped her back. Alyssa lost it. She screamed and grabbed Harper by the hair yanking it as hard as she could. Harper screamed and reached for Alyssa's. Alyssa smacked harper again and pushed her into the lockers. Harper's friend violet went to reach for Alyssa's hair but was grabbed by Olivia. "Get the fuck away from her" she said as she pulled harpers friend onto the floor.

Harper leapt onto Alyssa knocking them both on the floor and began to hit her. Alyssa rolled them over, her on top, and began to hit and scratch Harper. "You absolute BITCH" she screamed as she let out all the anger, rage, sadness and anxiety she had been feeling. Meanwhile olivia was fighting violet behind them. Olivia was winning. Harper grabbed Alyssa hair again and pulled her off of her. Cameron stood with his arms out trying to stop the fight and Harper gave a direct punch to Cameron, giving him a nose bleed. Another gasp was given by the crowed of students watching. Alyssa slapped harper so hard she was knocked unconscious onto the floor. Everyone gasped and violet ran to harper. Alyssa and Olivia turned to run but found themselves facing the principal. "My office. Now" he said calmly, but showed an angered expression on his face.

"This behaviour is not acceptable in this school!" He began to have a go at Olivia and Alyssa in his office. "Harper was the one who started it!" replied Alyssa. "I don't want to hear it. Either of you" he snapped back at them. The principal began to dial the phone and call Olivia's and Alyssa's parents along with Harper's. They looked at each other thinking they might be in trouble.

Back at home Mary received the call from the principal. "Oh god" she said to herself as she rushed into the car and raced up to the school. She saw Leslie doing the same and it almost turned into a race who could get there first.

When she arrived, Mary burst open the office door. Alyssa ran to Mary and gave her a hug. "What on earth happened?!" Mary asked, looking at Alyssa and ignoring the principal. "Harper was spreading rumours about you and dad and we got into a fight" Mary looked in disbelief, then looked at the principal. That's when Leslie came barging into the office. "Whatever happened I'm sure Harper is innocent" pleaded Leslie. Alyssa scoffed. "what are you doing about this?" Mary asked him calmly. "Well we have a strict violence policy and I'm afraid Alyssa will be suspended for a week, because she started the fight. Olivia will receive a week's detention for joining in" he ordered. Harper smiled in the corner. Mary, Olivia and Alyssa all shouted at the same time "WHAT?!"  "How is that fair at all on Alyssa?!" Asked Olivia. Alyssa could tell Olivia was a true friend since she didn't care about her punishment, only cared for Alyssa. "This is ridiculous. Olivia honey it's great to see you again. Alyssa let's go home from the shit show of a school, who clearly don't care about bullying provoking it" commented Mary. Alyssa and Olivia's jaw dropped at the way Mary spoke to the principal but they both smiled after. "You know Mary, if you had a little more class, and showed respect maybe Alyssa wouldn't be punished unlike my precious Harper" commented Leslie. Mary made a sharp turn towards Leslie. "You know LESLIE for a nosy bitch who has a demon for a daughter, it's a suprise no one has gone after you. If you want to start something, I'm pretty sure I can hit ALOT harder than my daughter. She put your precious harper on her ass. I can do the same to you if you'd like" Mary threatened Leslie. Leslie went quiet and she took Alyssa out of the office.

On the car journey home, Mary wasn't mad at Alyssa at all. She was mad at Harper and the school. She took Alyssa out for some ice cream to make her feel better. When they got home they watched a film of her choice. Peter came out of the garage. "What you doing home?" He asked Alyssa. "I got into a fight with harper. I won but got suspended she got off free" she replied. "What a bitch" he commented as he went into the kitchen to grab a drink, then went back into the kitchen.

When evening slowly crept in, Alyssa and Mary had fallen asleep on the sofa. Peter slipped out of the door and zipped up his jacket. He began to patrol up the path until he bumped into Harper. "Watch where your goi- oh hi Peter" she changed from an offended tone to a flirty one. "Cut that bullshit Harper. What you pulled on my sister is not okay" he replied annoyed. "Please it's not like i was wrong" she laughed. Harper went on her tip toes and leaned closer to peters ear. "I know you killed him" she whispered. Peter came to a shock and pushed her away from him. "There is something called a window. I heard the shouting and went to look and saw you carrying your father's body. Just be glad I didn't tell everyone that. Well not yet anyway" she laughed. "You're not going to tell anyone" replied Peter. "What you gonna do? Kill me too? You absolute psychopath" she teased him. "Peter unzipped his jacket and Harper saw the same crowbar tucked into his trouser waist band. She let out a gasp. He pulled it out and swung for her.

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