Chapter eleven

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At the hospital, Mary was still unconscious on the floor, while Leslie's " medical miracle" of an overnight recovery, was the talk of the hospital. It's partly true since she didn't break as many bones as she should have, but she was still a liar. She went back into her hospital room and acted as if she was innocent and had done nothing wrong. Mary eventually woke up, and climbed back into bed when. She pressed the button to call for a nurse. "Oh dear what happened?!" Asked the nurse as she came in. "I'm so clumsy and dropped a glass" lied Mary. The nurse smiled and went to go sweep up the shards of glass left on the floor. "My daughter is in trouble" said Mary. The nurse looked confused. "I need to leave" she said. "I'm sorry Mary you're in no condition to leave right now" replied the nurse.

Back at the Bench, Cameron delayed Alyssa where no one could see them. "Why don't we take the woods shortcut" he suggested. "I'm not sure Cameron. That's always creeped me out" she replied. "It'll be fine" said Cameron as he pulled Alyssa by her wrists. "Cameron get off me!" He ignored her and kept pulling her towards the woods. "I said NO" she shouted, as she kicked him in the crotch and began to run. Cameron fell on the floor in pain but got up and forced himself to run after Alyssa. Alyssa tried running but she felt her head slowly spinning. Her eyes started to close by themselves. That's when it was lights out. She passed out and fell onto the floor. Cameron caught her head before she hit the concrete. He let out a sigh, and threw her over his shoulder and began to head in to the woods.

At the hospital, when nobody was looking, Mary put the blue plastic gloves on that she got out of the bin, that the nurse had previously thrown away. She then snuck out of her room. She went searching for Leslie's. That's when she saw her sat on the bed through the open door. Mary snuck into the room and slowly reached for Leslie's glass of water. She took it back into her room undetected. That's when she got the bottle of sleeping pills Peter had given her to help her sleep in the hospital. She unscrewed the lid and poured the pills out onto her bed. One by one, Mary crushed each pill on her bedside table, using a spoon from her plate, and carefully scraped it into the glass of water. Leslie's glass had enough crushed pills to kill her. Mary took the pot of sleeping pills, the spoon she crushed them with and the glass into Leslie's room. She knew the timing was perfect because it was usually this time that Leslie had to take her pain medication. Mary carefully and silently put her glass back to where it was. She stood in the corner behind the half open privacy curtain so Leslie couldn't see her. The nurse came in oblivious to Mary standing in the corner, and gave Leslie the medication to take. Leslie picked up the glass and took the pill with a big gulp of water. The nurse smiled and walked back out. Leslie picked up the glass again and drank the whole thing. "Tastes a little odd" she said to herself. Within five minutes she was out cold, and just like that Leslie was dead. Mary had given Leslie an overdose. Mary placed the spoon and the pot on Leslie's bedside table. She carefully snuck out and back into her room.

At Alyssa's house, she woke up tightly tied to a chair. She felt fear as her vision focused onto Cameron who was stood In front of her. "You drugged me you asshole" she said as she lifted up her head. "Couldn't have you running away could I? Next time maybe do your own hot chocolate" replied Cameron. Alyssa struggled but she couldn't get out of the rope. "I have one question" said Cameron. He lent down in front of Alyssa. "Do you know where my sister is?" He asked. "No" lied Alyssa. Cameron stood up. He slapped her around the face. "Don't lie to me bitch!" He shouted. Alyssa began to cry. "I have no clue where your sister is" she denied again looking directly in his eyes. "You know Alyssa you're a good liar. But I'm a better schemer. So is my mum, I'm sure you know her. Leslie?" He told her. Alyssa's expression changed drastically. "LESLIE IS YOUR MUM? THAT NOSY BITCH IS YOUR MOTHER?" She replied shouting. Cameron smiled and walked over to the kitchen drawer. "Makes sense now. You want to know where your sister is" laughed Alyssa. Cameron opened the drawer and took out a large bread knife. Alyssa swallowed with nerves. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. If you don't want to tell me, I'll have to get it out of you" he replied, slowly approaching her with the knife in his hand. "Where is she Alyssa?" He asked again. "I don't know" she lied again. Cameron slowly swiped the knife along her shoulder, causing a cut. Alyssa grunted in pain. "Next it won't be you I kill it'll be your mother. Last time I recalled, she was in the hospital right? Poor defenceless Mary" he mocked Alyssa. "You wanna know where your sister is? Check the garden" she smiled. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked as he stumbled back. That's when he felt his body bump into another person. He turned around and saw Peter stood behind him. Before he could say anything, peter hit him round the head with the same crowbar he used on Henry. Cameron fell onto the floor unconscious. Peter dropped the crowbar onto the floor, and ran straight to Alyssa without thinking twice. He tried to untie the rope but it was too tight. He ran to the kitchen drawer to get some scissors and used the blade to saw through the rope. Within a minute Alyssa was free. They both looked down at Cameron, but his body was gone. "where did that little shit go?" asked Peter. "I'm not sure" replied Alyssa who was attending to her shoulder wound. 

Back at the hospital Mary was healing nicely, with made her relieved, since she would be able to get home and hope that Alyssa is okay. thats when she saw about five nurses run past her room. Mary quietly left her room to peek her head round the door. "a patient has killed herself" said one of the nurses. "looks to me like an overdose" replied the other nurse. she pointed to the spoon and pot of pills on Leslie's bed side table. Mary had cleverly staged a suicide. That's when a nurse came running into Mary's room. "what has happened?" asked Mary, pretending to be clueless. "a woman has committed suicide" said the nurse as she began to panic. Mary acted shocked and faked some sympathy. "I came to tell you your being discharged tomorrow" said the nurse. "oh okay. thank you nurse" she replied, trying not to smile. Not only was she able to go home to her children, but she had managed to get away with murdering Leslie.

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