Chapter Twenty-Two

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Katie and Peter had made their way to town, and was dried off properly in the blazing heat. "Where to first?" Asked Katie. "Well I'm hoping to find some boxers as soon as I can because this isn't comfortable and plus I feel everyone can see the bulge through these shorts. Katie tilted down to look. "That wasn't an invitation to look!" He said as he covered it with his hands. She laughed. "That's some package you got there" Katie said as she continued to laugh. "I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or be annoyed you looked" said Peter. "You're cute" she said as she rubbed her hand on his hair. "Come on" she said as she headed to the first shop. Peter followed her. "Peter check this out" she smiled as she picked up a giant beach hat that consumed her head. "What we thinkin?" She posed. Peter let out a laugh. "I think it's a bit too small" he joked. "Okay how about this?" He said as he put on a hideous pair of oversized leopard print sunglasses with plastic diamonds on the front. "Beautiful" Katie laughed. They spread out and began searching for an outfit to wear. Peter gathered some things and put them over his arm, Katie did the same. "Excuse me sir, where are the changing rooms?" Katie asked the worker. "No changing rooms sorry" he replied with an accent. "How are we supposed to try this stuff on?" She asked again. "Make do, use a corner away front people, I don't really care" he told her. "Rude much" she said as he walked away. "How am I supposed to try on these boxers?!" Asked Peter. Katie searched the shop with her eyes. There was a corner at the very back of the shop where nobody was, and the shop wasn't very popular anyway. "Over there" she pointed as she grabbed his wrist and directed him. "You really want me to change nude in a shop corner?!" Asked Peter. "Okay how about this" said Katie as she began to move the clothe racks that were on wheels to section off around them and make some privacy. "I won't look" she said. "Fine" Peter replied as he turned around and took the shorts off. He teared open the pack of boxers and began to put them on. "Nice ass" Katie complimented from behind. "Hey!" Pete replied. "I'm joking I swear I'm not looking" she laughed. Peter turned his head and saw she had her back turned to him. "Nice ass" he said back to her. "Peter!" She laughed. "Be a gentleman" she said. Peter put on the boxers and the outfit he had picked. It was a navy blue buttoned shirt with some white jean shorts and his sandals matched perfectly. "What ya think?" He asked Katie as she turned around. "You look great!" She complimented him. "Your turn!" He said. "Okay but no looking, I know it's gonna be tempting" she laughed. Peter tutted and turned around. "Oh crap. Peter I think my bikini top is stuck, I'm gonna need you to unhook it" she told him. "Ha ha very funny, stop trying to tempt me" he replied. "No like I'm actually serious it's stuck" she told him. Peter turned around and saw her struggling to unhook it. "Okay I'll help" he said. "Keep your eyes on my neck mr" she told him. "Got it" he said as he unhooked it. The top fell to the floor and he immediately turned around. He heard her changing. "All done" she said. He turned around to look and saw her outfit. She wore a white vest top with baggy baby blue shorts. "Excellent" he said. They both paid for their outfits and left the shop. "We look good. Where to next?" He asked. "Let's get an ice cream" she said. They both made their way to the ice cream parlour and ordered their ice creams. "Cheers" said Peter as he held it up in the air as if he was toasting to something. They both began to lick their ice creams. "Wanna try mine?" Asked Katie. "Sure" replied Peter. They both traded ice creams to try each others. "You know that's practically kissing" Peter smirked. "You wish pretty boy" she replied as she put her finger against his lips as if she was shushing him. They traded back and looked through more shops.

An hour had passed and they had been to 7 different shops and stopped off twice for a drink. "You know what's funny?" Asked Katie. "What?" Asked Peter. "I met you like 3 hours ago and yet you've been the best person I've met here" she answered. "The feelings mutual" smiled Peter as he put his hand on Katie's. "I see someone's quite the romantic" Katie told him. Peter gave a nervous laugh. Katie kissed Peter on the cheek. He went tomato red. "Awwww your blushing?" She smiled. "Well- I-" Peter stuttered. Peter's phone began to ring. "Hey Peter look over" said his sister through the phone. Katie and Peter looked and they saw Mary and Alyssa across the street. Mary gave a big wave and gestured for them to join. Peter and Katie made their way across the street. A car honked their horn as it sped past nearly hitting Katie. "What the fuck?!" Shouted Peter as the car left. "Relax Pete I'm okay" Katie told him as she linked her arm with his. "So who's this lovely lady?" Asked Mary. "This is Katie" Peter introduced her. "Very nice to meet you Katie" Mary greeted her as she put her hand on Katie's shoulder. "Okay we get it you fancy her. Let's go" said Alyssa impatiently. "What? I never said? I mean- where are you off to in such a hurry" Peter asked. Mary let out a small laugh. "We are going back to the hotel and was wondering if you wanted a lift" Mary asked them. "Sure. Can Katie come over for dinner?" Peter asked eagerly. "As long as your parents are okay with it, I don't have a problem with that"  Mary agreed. "They won't be back till tomorrow they have gone on their honeymoon" she told Mary. "Well then, congratulations" Mary said back. "Thanks" Katie smiled.

All of them got into the car and made their way back to the hotel. The radio was playing quietly as Alyssa sat in the front passenger seat on her phone, and Mary had her eyes fixed on the road. Peter and Katie were sat in the back of the car. "You okay?" Asked Peter. "All good" Katie smiled as she put her hand onto Peter's leg. He couldn't hide his smile. He put his hand on her leg. "Peter stop your giving my butterflies" Katie whispered into Peter's ear. Peter let out a small laugh. He slowly moved his hand along her leg leading towards her thigh. "Peter my stomach is going crazy" she whispered again starting to laugh. "You wanna play that game?" Katie smiled mischievously. She slowly made her hand up Peter's leg the same direction. The car jolted and Katie's hand slipped landing on his groin. Her hand fell directly onto his dick. "Shit" Peter said. The pair of them both slowly saw it rise and poke up in his shorts. He closed his legs and moved to an angle. Katie giggled. "Oh jeez I'm sorry" he said as his face went red again. "It's okay" she let out a louder laugh. "I can't help it" he smiled awkwardly. "I can help take care of it if you want" she told him with a smirk. "Re-really? Here?" Peter stuttered. "You wish Petey. You're just gonna have to wait for it to go down" she laughed again. "What's so funny?" Asked Alyssa from the front. "When mum turned the car I fell into the window" Peter lied to Alyssa. "That is pretty funny actually" she said as she went back to typing. "Alright we are here" announced Mary in her cheery voice. "Is it gone?" Katie whispered into Peter's ear. He shook his head no with a nervous look. "Distract her" he mouthed to Katie. "How?" She asked. "Get creative" he replied.  Katie got out the car and opened the door for Mary. "Oh thank you hun" Mary thanked her. "You guys go on ahead we will bring the shopping bags" Katie told them. "Alright dear" said Mary as her and Alyssa went into the hotel. "Hey boner boy" she said as she opened Peter's door. "Don't call me that" he said. Katie laughed. She began to get the bags out of the boot and put them on the floor. As she went to press lock on the car key it slipped out her hand and was falling directly into a drain. "SHIT" she panicked. Peter caught them just in time and shut the boot for her. "Good to go" he smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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