Chapter Thirteen

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Cameron pushed peter out the way on his way down the stairs. Peter scrambled back to his feet and ran after Cameron but he was gone. He had disappeared like a magic act. "What on earth?" Peter asked out loud. He walked into the kitchen in hopes of any movement of Cameron. Nothing. He moved forward and noticed the garden light turn on. Peter looked through the glass doors but saw nothing. That's when out of no where Cameron jumped off the kitchen island and onto peters back. He held up the bread knife and stabbed him in the back. Peter called out in pain. Cameron kept stabbing Peter in the back, piercing his skin with the blade. His shirt was changing colour from the blood pouring out of his stab wounds. Cameron had stabbed Peter 5 times and he fell onto the floor. That's when Cameron used the house key he had kept in his pocket and unlocked the garden doors. He dragged Peter along the kitchen floor, leaving a blood trail smearing along the floor. He continued to drag him out of the kitchen and into the garden. Cameron pushed Peter's weakened body into the place Henry was buried, that he dug up before turning the power box off. Peter landed face to face on top of Henry's rotten, decayed body. He was too weak to shout. That's when Cameron grabbed the spade and began to throw the soil back onto the grave, covering Peter in soil. He was burying a weak and bleeding Peter, alive. "Where you belong" Cameron said as he spat on the grave. Cameron went back inside and locked the doors again. Mary and Alyssa were stood in the kitchen. "Where is my son?" Asked Mary with a shaky voice, as she saw the blood on the floor. "Where he belongs. Justice for killing Harper" he said. "What do you mean?" Asked Mary. "Oh leave it out woman. I saw my sister's body. It had to be Peter since he's the psychopath of the family" said Cameron, with intense anger in his voice. Alyssa began to laugh. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. Cameron looked confused. "I killed Harper. I pushed that bitch out the window, and if we are being honest now, I should've done it sooner" Alyssa told Cameron. His face showed so many emotions at once. "YOU WHAT?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "WHERE IS MY SON?!" Screamed Mary. That's when she looked at his hands. Cameron had blood and dirt on his hands. That's when she saw the spade on the grave. The soil looked freshly dug. Mary figured out where he was. "Give me the door key" she pleaded. "No" laughed Cameron. "Fine then" said Mary as she lifted up her leg and kicked Cameron with as much force as possible and he went through the glass doors. The glass smashed and ended up all over the garden. Cameron put his hands out to stop his fall but had glass go right through them, piercing right through his skin. He yelled out in pain. Mary ran to the spade and began to dig up Peter as quick as she could. Cameron pulled the pieces of glass out of his hands, and ran for Alyssa's. "Alyssa run!" Called out Mary. Alyssa turned around and ran as fast as her feet would take her. Cameron continued to chase her. She charged through the house and out the front door, running down the street. Cameron chased her trying to match her speed.

Mary kept digging until she saw a pale blue shirt covered in blood. She pulled him out with all her strength. He finally came out landing on the grass. His breathing was barely there. "You're still alive" she gave him a kiss on the forehead and wiped her tears of relief. She ran straight inside to grab the phone. "I NEED AN AMBULANCE NOW MY SON IS BARELY ALIVE" she shouted. The woman on the phone was patient with her. Mary gave the house address and put the phone down to go check back on Peter. His chest was moving up and down, but very slowly. Mary was crying while holding him as she could only just hear his quiet and raspy breathing. "Come on Peter stay with me!" She cried. She heard the ambulance blaring in the distance with its blue lights bright as a lighthouse light. The paramedics ran into the house through the open door. "Jesus what happened here" they ran into the garden to a hysterical Mary crying, holding her son's body. The paramedics placed their two fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. "It's only just there" said the woman. They immediately brought the stretcher and carried him to the ambulance. Mary went with them. The ambulance drove as fast as possible, demolishing the speed limit, down the road and to the hospital. They charged through the door with Peter on the stretcher. The receptionist dropped the phone from her hand. Everybody stared. "What's his blood type?" Asked the nurse. "O negative" Mary told them. The doctors were all running to attend Peter. They hooked blood up to him, but the monitor for his pulse flatlined. Mary broke out in tears. The nurses comforted her. The doctors cut open Peter's shirt and pulled out a defibrillator. They charged them up and yelled clear. They pushed them down onto his abs, and shocked him. Still no pulse. They did the same thing again. Still no pulse. They did it for a third time and a pulse slowly began to beep. "Ma'm your son is a medical miracle" said one of the nurses. "How he's alive I have no clue, but he's one lucky kid" she said before walking off to get some forms for Mary to sign. Mary walked over to Peter and kissed him on the forehead. Peter was still unconscious but he was stable. "Ma'm your son is going to have to go into surgery to stitch up and disinfect those stab wounds. Then of course we are going to have to have the police question how all of this happened" said one of the doctors. "Of course, I understand" replied Mary. The doctor gave Mary a smile before walking off to prepare Peter for his surgery. Mary took a deep breath. "What the fuck am I gonna say to the officers" Mary whispered to herself. That's when she was struck with an idea.

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