Chapter Seven

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"What the fuck is going on Alyssa" asked her boyfriend, freaking out. Alyssa got her finger and pushed it up against his lips, shushing him. "I will explain everything if you calm down" she whispered. Cameron went quiet and his breathing slowed down. He walked over to the kitchen island and sat on one of the stools. He let out a sigh and looked Alyssa in the eyes. She smiled and sat down next to him. "so it all started when I got home from the festival. I opened the door quietly because I wasn't sure if anyone was sleeping. thats when I heard my dads voice in the kitchen. I wondered what was going on so I went to go look.The first thing that came to view was the runaway bag my mum had made. thats why I was a bit down at the festival, because I saw that bag in her wardrobe. she wanted to leave him" Alyssa explained. "but I thought your parents were happily married, with no problems" replied cameron. "so did I until I walked into the kitchen to witness my dad hit my mum" replied Alyssa as her voice began to tremble. cameron gasped. "he hit her round the face, and left a red mark. my mum began to cry. that's when I stupidly said that he found the bag. this made him made that his daughter knew as well. he threw a glass at me and I had to duck. he hit me and tried to keep hurting me so my mum grabbed the iron and smacked him around the head with it out of self defence. Thats when we thought he was dead. I had no idea how to feel. I think I was mostly in shock. but thats when he jumped up and put his hands around my mums throat. he was strangling her. I was trying to get him off her but he was too strong. this is when I started to cry. I thought for sure I was gonna lose my mum. thats when an unexpected wave of blood splattered across the kitchen.on the cupboards. on the ceiling. on the floor. and all on me. my dad fell on the floor with Peter stood behind him, holding a crowbar. he'd hit him so hard his skull was dented and the kitchen was practically drenched with my dads blood" explained Alyssa turning around, unable to look at cameron. thats when she felt a hand on her shoulder. he was pulling her in for a hug. "I understand Alyssa. Im not judging any of you and I understand why it happened. besides, its not like you killed anyone"said cameron. Alyssa stayed silent. "so I assume somehow the ear came off when you moved his body" he continued. Alyssa nodded her head.

Meanwhile, Peter and Mary were pulling up into the hospital car park. Peter turned to Mary. "right. when we go in there, we need to use fake names, so they can't tie us to Leslie". Mary nodded in agreement. they both took a deep breath and walked from the car park and through the automatic glass doors of the hospital reception. The receptionist was a rather small woman. Her chair had wheels and was pumped up as high as it goes. She had a black bob, and a rather rounded face. She stuck her head up. "Yes?" She asked in a witch like voice. "Oh we are here to visit someone" Mary said quietly. "Name?" Asked the receptionist. "Leslie Jones" replied Mary. The receptionist began to spread out her long fingers and type at lightning speed on her keyboard. "And how do you know her?" We are in the same book club. We just wanted to drop off some flowers and a card" Lied Mary. The receptionist looked at Mary and Peter. "What flowers and card?" She asked suspiciously. "We are going to get them from the gift shop" Mary lied again. The receptionist stared at Mary then pulled out a black book and slammed it onto the desk. "Sign in here" she commanded. Mary and Peter both wrote down fake names. The receptionist told them Leslie's room number and they went to find it without looking suspicious. They searched the halls and eventually found her room. She was out cold, with wires and tubes attached to her. The hospital monitor continued to beep at the same pace as Leslie's heart beat. It was stable for now. "So now what?" Asked Peter. "I'm not actually sure" replied Mary. They both sat beside Leslie's hospital bed, looking at her laying completely still. "What if she wakes up and sells us out to the police" said Peter. "Let's just hope that doesn't happen" Mary replied as she put her hands on Leslie's bed. "I need to leave I can't look at her right now" she said as she got up and walked out of the room. Peter soon ran after her. "Let's go home mum" he said as he gave her a hug. She nodded. Both of them casually walked past the judgemental receptionist and back to the car. Mary held her hand against her stomach and grunted in pain. "I've got a really bad stomach ache" she said. "Have you eaten today?" Asked Peter as they got into the car and closed the doors. "I mean I've had some food" she replied. "I'll make you some food when we get back" Peter said smiling. Mary smiled back and turned the keys to start the engine. She backed out and left the hospital car park, to head back home.

Back at the house Alyssa was still talking to Cameron. "So where is he?" He asked. Alyssa shook her head. "I'm not sure I didn't move him, it was too difficult" she replied.  "Can I use your bathroom?" He asked. "Sure it's upstairs on the left"  she replied as she pointed her finger in the air as an unhelpful direction. Cameron smiled and slowly went up the stairs. Alyssa was downstairs making a drink.

After he had used the toilet, Cameron walked past Alyssa's bedroom and her door was open. He ran back downstairs to ask her about the window but the door unlocked. Mary and Peter walked in not noticing him stood on the stairs. Alyssa jumped "your back?" She said shakily. "Something happened" Mary told Alyssa as she sat down with a slight headache. "Leslie got hit by a car and she's now in a coma" said Peter, with no sympathy. Alyssa didn't have a chance to tell them Cameron was stood right there. "Oh shit" replied Alyssa. "She said she knew what happened with dad and saw us burying him" Peter told her as he sat down. Alyssa wasn't sure how to react. She was about to mention Cameron but then there was a loud knock at the door. Peter walked over to the door and opened it. The police stood In front of him. "Hi there. Can we speak to Mary ford?" They asked. "What for?" Replied Peter getting defensive. "We need to take her to the station regarding Leslie jones" they said. Peter began to panic inside. That's when Mary collapsed to the floor behind him. She landed on the floor unconscious . Alyssa ran to her and noticed blood starting to come from her.

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