Chapter Three

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Everyone stood in silence for a few minutes, looking at each other, while Henry's corpse lay in the middle of them. Peter dropped down the crowbar which had been stained with his father's blood. No one could break the silence because no one knew what to do. "We can't report this" said Mary. Alyssa's eyes widened. "What?! Why?" She replied. "It could cause more problems for us than he did" explained Mary. "Here's what we are going to do. Peter find something to wrap him in. Alyssa find some rope or ties to wrap it up with. I will clean the blood off the floor". Mary was surprisingly calm about the whole situation. Alyssa and Peter ran off to the garage to try find some supplies of some sort. Meanwhile Mary was raiding the cupboards for her best cleaning supplies and a pair of gloves. She began to clean up the excess blood that was filling the kitchen, until she heard the doorbell ring. She ignored it and stayed silent. It rang once again and she continued to ignore it. That's when it was being spammed so she slowly and shakily made her way to the door. She opened it just a crack and saw Leslie. "Hello Mary, we heard a lot of noise and was wondering if it was all okay" she asked in the annoying cheerily tone. "Umm yes we are all fine. Henry was just shouting at the football again" she smiled as she lied straight to Leslie's face. "Mind if I come in?" She asked. "Actually not right now, we are having family time" replied Mary. "Just a cup of tea?" Leslie pleaded. "I said no Leslie. Now leave my doorstep and go back to your own home" snapped Mary as she slammed the door shut. Leslie made a face and trotted back to her house.

Mary slowly walked back to the kitchen and picked up the cleaning supplies. She continued to scrub everything around Henry's body and underneath his head. By that time, both Alyssa and Peter had come back with rope, and a tarp. Mary rolled Henry on his side to slide the tarp under him. They began to wrap him up like a parcel, using various different knots to make sure it had been secured and was tight as possible. "What now?" asked Alyssa. "I know where to put him" replied Mary. It was dark outside so they had to make sure nobody saw them. They slowly opened the garden doors and crept out, carrying Henry's body with a struggle. He had a lot of muscle and was very heavy. It was as if they were moving gym weights. Mary directed them round the corner towards the pool storage box, Henry had shown her earlier. She emptied it out and with a struggle and with a group effort, they threw his body in. "Perfect to hide a body" commented Mary, as Henry did earlier. They slammed the lid shut closing the body like a mummy in a tomb. All three of them slowly crept back inside and Mary began to clean again to double check she got everything.

Later on that night Mary, Peter and Alyssa all sat at the table. It was silent for a while because they were still processing what had just happened. "No one can know" muttered Peter. "What are we gonna do? We can't keep him in our pool supply box forever" asked Alyssa. "For now he can stay in there until we figure something else out" dismissed Mary as she stood up, scraping the chair along the hardwood floor and walked out of the kitchen. Peter and Alyssa looked at each other for a while, and then both left to head up to their rooms.

Mary flopped backwards onto the double bed, burying herself into the sheets. She had no idea how to feel. Or what was worse. The fact that her husband was dead, her son had become a murder, Or that the whole family covered it up. She couldn't stop picturing the pool box with Henry's body curled up inside. She obviously couldn't sleep so she got up and began to empty some of Henry's clothes from their shared wardrobe. She started to pack them into a big bag and tied it up. She packed his shoes, accessories and healthcare supplies.

Alyssa had gone to bed and fallen asleep, in hopes that it was all a nightmare she hadn't woken up from. She saw her mother try to kill her father then her brother finish him off. She slowly began to sleep but dreamed of the events that had happened that day.

Peter was in his room scrolling through his phone as a distraction. He put his headphones on and began to blast music at a deafening volume. He kept repeating the moment in his head. The part where he picked up the crowbar from the garage. The part where he held it up ready to swing. The part where the adrenaline rushed through his body. The part where the blood drenched the kitchen.

The next morning arrived and the house was completely silent. The only person to be heard was Mary. Luckily Henry worked from home, so it wasn't suspicious if he didn't work for now. The house seemed so empty, but Mary could be at peace. She felt guilty that she felt some relief in Henry's death. The kids didn't come down for breakfast. I think everyone was too scared to go back into the kitchen for the memories just came flooding back in. Unbelievably, the one who was least bothered was the one who committed the murder. Mary allowed Alyssa to stay home from school because she was worried she would blurt something out. That's when Mary felt a horrible feeling in her stomach. A churning as she stood in the kitchen. She ran to the downstairs toilet and threw up in it. "How can him dying have this effect on me?" She asked herself. That's when she heard a knock on the door. "Mum you okay?" Asked Alyssa. "Yes I'm okay" she replied, feeling as if she was going to throw up again. Alyssa went into the living room, avoiding any eye contact with the kitchen, to watch tv. Peter went back into the garage. Mary threw up again. "I will go pick up some food for us all" Mary called out. Only Alyssa replied. Mary walked up to the car and took a deep breath. "Hello Mary! Off to the shop are we?" Called out Leslie as she had laser focus on Mary. Mary gave her a weakened smile and nodded her head. She got in the car and drove off out of view. Leslie sighed.

Alyssa and Peter didn't speak to each other. They were doing their own thing and neither had gone in the kitchen all day and both were hungry as ever. Alyssa was being consumed with her thoughts. She could still hear her father's voice in her head on repeat. She turned the tv up to drown it out, along with peters loud clanging in the garage. He was working extra hard today to distract his mind too. The car was his main focus in order to not give a care about anything else.

More time passed and Mary had come home, pushing the door open. "Food!" She called out as she took it into the kitchen. Alyssa and Peter came into the hallway and hesitantly stepped one foot into the kitchen. They focused more on the smell of the warm fast food resting on the counter. "I just need to nip to the loo" said Mary as she hopped upstairs and locked the door behind her.

Downstairs the kids were eating their food, whereas upstairs Mary was crying on the toilet with one hand over her mouth and the other holding a positive pregnancy stick. When she thought things couldn't get any worse, she was now pregnant with her dead husband's baby.

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