Chapter Nineteen

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The gunshot echoes throughout the hospital halls as Peter and Mary escaped through the doors. The guests in the waiting room screamed and dropped down. Mary and Peter ran straight to the first car they saw and Mary smashed the front window with her elbow. She reached her arm in and unlocked the door. She jumped in and Peter got in the passenger seat. Mary began to hot wire the car. "Where did you learn to do that?!" Asked Peter feeling surprised. "There's a lot of things I can do Peter" she replied with a smile. That's when the car engine roared and Mary slammed her foot on the accelerator. They sped off out of the car park and on the way home. The nurses and doctors raced to Attend to Officer Ronnie. Eddie ran out after Mary and Peter but they had already gone. "Shit" he said to himself. He leant in to his shoulder and spoke into his radio. "I need all officers sent to the Ford's house NOW!". Each police officer received it and ran to the cars to head to their house.

Back at the house Alyssa was still strapped to the chair, with cuts all over her. "When are you gonna kill me, or are you too much of a scared little bitch. Your sister sure was when I pushed her out the window". Cameron pushed the chair over onto the floor and Alyssa fell with it. He leant over her stomach and put the knife to her throat. Careful what you say to me" he whispered into her ear. "Your threats don't scare me anymore Cameron. You've given so many it's getting embarrassing" she laughed. "You think this is funny? You know I should slice off your tongue" said Cameron. "If it were the other way around it's not your tongue I'd be slicing off" she replied. Cameron knew what she meant straight away. "Why don't you hand me the knife I'll do it myself to save me from the second hand embarrassment of your pathetic little threats" she continued to laugh at him. "How's this for a threat" said Cameron as he lifted up the knife and went to force it back down and stab Alyssa. But that's when he was cut off by a loud gunshot. Peter stood at the front door holding the gun out. He shot him in the arm he was holding the knife with. Cameron yelled out in pain and fell onto the floor. Peter took the knife from him and sliced off the tape, freeing his sister. Mary ran straight to her daughter and gave her the tightest hug. "You're all fucking crazy" said Cameron who was rolling on the floor. Mary, Alyssa and Peter slowly turned their heads to him at the same time. "That's it. You're not doing this anymore you piece of shit" said Peter as he picked Cameron up by the shirt and thrusted him against the wall, pinning him there. Peter was breathing heavily right in Cameron's face. "You wanna pretend to be a big boy? I'll show you what it's like to play with the big boys" Peter whispered in his ear. He punched Cameron around the face so hard he broke his nose. "I want you to bleed like you made me bleed" he whispered in his ear once again. Peter pressed down on Cameron's bullet wound and he yelled out in pain, then continuously hit him. Peter then looked next to him and saw the thin netted curtain. He smiled at Cameron. Peter threw him on the floor and ripped the curtain off the rail. "Let's not forget how you strangled Alyssa" said Peter as he wrapped the curtain around Cameron's neck. He pulled on it and Cameron began to choke. The air was slowly leaving his lungs and he couldn't do anything to stop it. That's when the sound of twenty police cars pulled up all with their sirens on heard through the closed front door. Mary ran to lock the door and took the keys out. Cameron was still choking. "IM NOT AFRAID TO SHOOT" said Eddie outside. He shot the front door making everyone jump. Cameron took this chance to escape. Peter went to drag him back but Cameron kicked him off. He picked up the gun and held it directly at Peter's forehead. "I gave you cuts, I can give you a bullet wound too" said Cameron. As he went to pull the trigger, a loud whack was heard and blood splattered all over Peter's face and the ceiling. Cameron fell to the floor. Alyssa stood behind him holding the crowbar used on Henry. Alyssa hit Cameron's head in three more times to make sure he was actually dead this time. Then she threw the crowbar onto the floor. "We are so over" she said as she looked down on his lifeless body.

The police continued to shoot at the locked door. "I WONT ASK YOU AGAIN" yelled out officer Eddie. "Another body. How the fuck do we get out of this" asked Peter. "I'll go out and surrender. You kids don't have to go down for anything" said Mary as she stared at the door. "No mum you can't! we need you. I need you" said Alyssa as she walked up to her mother. "Sweet Alyssa. You've proven how strong you are already" Mary replied as she wiped away Alyssa's tears. Mary moved closer to the door. "Okay I'm coming out!" Mary shouted to the police from inside. "Wait. I have an idea on how we can get away with all of this. However I need to make sure you're one hundred percent on board with this, because there's no going back" said Alyssa. "Nothing could get worse than this. What's your plan sweetheart?" Asked Mary. "We fake our deaths" she told them. "Alyssa we aren't in a movie how on earth are we going to do that?!" Asked Peter. "Let me show you" replied Alyssa. She ran into the garage and Mary and Peter stood confused. She came back with the canisters of fuel that she saw earlier when she was hiding from Cameron. We can stage a fire. She told them. "And what happens when there's no bodies?" Asked Peter. "That's the thing. There will be" she told them with a mischievous grin. "Harper is in the pool, Cameron is on the floor and dad is in the garden. The fire will melt the flesh and DNA off, leaving just burnt skeletons" she continued to explain. Mary walked up to her and kissed her on the forehead. "You're so clever" she said. "You and Peter bring the bodies in and I'll spread the fuel" instructed Alyssa. All three of them moved as quickly as possible. "Alyssa hon, fuck the fire, let's blow this place up to the fucking ground" said Mary. Alyssa nodded. She ran down upstairs and started drenching the fuel in every bedroom, and all down the stairs. She then proceeded to soak the living room and hallway. Gasoline covered every inch of the house. Every family photo. Every secret. Mary and Peter had brought both Harper and Henry's bodies into the kitchen. Alyssa poured the fuel on the bodies too. When the entire house was soaked, she got every air freshener and sprayed them until they ran out. She turned the hob on, and left the last canister on top of it. "Everyone outside now!" She yelled. She grabbed the gun and they stood in the garden. Alyssa aimed the gun at the canister on the oven stove. "WE ARE COMING IN" shouted Eddie as they charged up the drive way. Alyssa pulled the trigger and within split seconds the entire house went up in flames. Every memory. Every secret. Every death. Torched. The windows blew apart and glass covered the officers. Gigantic flames roared out of the windows and lit up the sky like a volcanic eruption. All the officers were sent flying back from the effect of the explosion. That's when the car Peter had been working torched too. It shot through the roof like a firework. It came falling back down like a brick and crushed five officers. The house fire had turned into a disaster site. Inside the entire place had been burnt including all the bodies. The three of them had jumped over the neighbours fence and were hid in Leslie's garden. And just like that the entire Ford family were presumed dead.

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