Chapter 6

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I pulled up to the address Monty sent me for a little bakery that was in a shopping center close to my place. Even though it was so close, I hadn’t heard of it before. All of the windows had sage green ruffled curtains. It didn’t seem like a place he would frequent, but it was cute and quaint and smelled like sugar and vanilla when I opened the door. The little bell rang, gaining the attention of the short, older woman working the counter.

“Welcome to Nancy’s,” she said with a friendly smile. “What can I get started for you today, sweetheart?”

“Hi, hello, I’m actually meeting somebody here. Is it okay if I just take a seat to wait for him?”

“Of course! Make yourself at home. Grab a menu so you can start looking at our menu.” She leaned in like she was telling me a secret, “I strongly suggest the carrot cake, it’s our specialty.”

“I haven’t had carrot cake in forever,” I commented, “I might have to take you up on that offer.”

She handed me a menu and I took a seat at a table in the back, facing the door so I could see when Monty showed up. The bakery wasn’t busy, but there were a few other tables with patrons. Maybe five minutes or so later, the bell rang again and I looked up to see Monty. My heart began to beat a million miles a minute seeing him in person. He looked exactly like the pictures, but even better because it was real life. He was dressed in dark jeans and a white collared shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his arms and the tattoos that covered them. 

Monty looked around for a bit and then his eyes landed on me. I felt completely out of my league at that moment. Did I stand to greet him? Shake his hand? Hug him? Without a doubt, I was overthinking this. I barely had my chance to get my barrings when he reached the table. “Iris Howell, look at you.”

“Hey, Monty.” 

“Did you order yet?”

“No, no I didn’t, but the lady did tell me that the carrot cake was excellent.”

“Let’s get you a slice then.”

Monty put his hand out as an invitation and I took it. I swear I felt an electric spark between us, but I tried not to think much of it. We both ordered a slice of carrot cake and I added a white mocha coffee and Monty just ordered himself a black coffee. We settled back into the table and the nerves settled back into my stomach.

“So…” he started.

“Yeah…I’m sorry if I’m making this so awkward as if we haven’t been talking on the phone and texting.”

“You don’t have to say sorry, Iris. Meeting in person is a lot different than being on the phone. I’m glad you agreed to meet up with me though, up until I walked in and saw you, I figured there was a chance you were going to say no.”

“If I’m being honest, I wasn’t entirely sure if I was going to show up for sure until I walked through those doors. In fact, if I had to wait too long, I might have left again.”

“Guess it’s good I showed up a bit early, huh?” he smirked.

“I guess you could say that. So, how has work been?” I go into the only topic that feels comfortable to move into.

“Good, good. It’s been a bit chaotic with so many new people, but also new transfers. The factory is pretty nice though and I like the challenge.”

“So are you like the main man in charge?” I ask while sipping on my drink.

“I like to think I am even though I had a few bosses over me. I do a lot of the paperwork and scheduling so I think that makes me in charge.”

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