Chapter 10

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Today was my official first date with Monty. Over the last two weeks, we’ve texted each other throughout the day, talked on the phone every night, and met up a couple of times for quick lunch dates or coffee, but today was the first time we were going on a real date. My nerves have been out of control all day and I don’t have Jade here in person to calm me down. She’s out of town, visiting her grandma for the weekend, and is only available by phone. That hasn’t stopped me from sending her approximately two dozen text messages to discuss outfits and hairstyles.

Even as I finalize my look, I have the camera propped up on the bathroom vanity while she’s on a video call with me. “I’m second-guessing my hair down, Jade. Should I put it up?”

“No, definitely hair down.”

“But then you can’t see the lace on the back of the dress.” I turn around in the mirror, holding up my hair to show off the open back with the lace covering. It’s a sexy touch without being too out there. It did mean I couldn’t wear a bra though, so I’m saying a small prayer that this magic tape Jade swears by does its trick.

“I love the back, babe, but part of the appeal of wearing your hair down is that it’s a surprise that the back is so sexy. Just trust me.”

“I do trust you, against my better judgment,” I smirk.

“Oh shut up, I give excellent advice, which is why you always come to be when you have an issue you need to work through.”

“I go to you because you are my best and closest friend.”

“Duh! Because I give the best advice. Speaking of, my condoms are in the side table on the left side of my bed. It would be a total buzz kill to have to stop and run into my room.”

“Jade! I do not need condoms, Jesus.”

“Ma’am, we are not trusting men with pregnancy protection. Do I need to remind you why?”

“No, Jade, I’m well aware of your rules. It just isn’t necessary, Monty and I are not having sex tonight.”

“You never know what might happen in that empty house of yours. Just keep your options open.”

“You’re insane, I’m hanging up now.”

“Move the condoms, Iris!” She yells as I press the button to hang up the call. She makes a great point. We’ve heard too many horror stories over the years of women getting pregnant because men mishandled their condoms or even lied about wearing one altogether. Years ago, We made a pact that we would also be in charge of our own protection. I don’t care if a guy strolls in with a Costco-size package of condoms that he just purchased, we’re using the ones I bring.

But that’s irrelevant because Monty and I are just going on a date. He’s signed us up for a cooking class and then we get to eat dinner afterward. It was such a creative idea and I’ve been looking forward to it since he told me about it. I do have the house alone this weekend, so it did cross my mind to invite him in for a bit of a nightcap. But sex? No, I’m not ready for that. Am I? This is not a question I could ask Jade. She’d tell me to cancel the date and just take him to the bedroom. She’s a bad influence.

The doorbell rings, startling me and breaking me out of my overthinking. I grab my purse off my bed and head down the hallway, but I find myself pausing in front of Jade’s room. “Damnit,” I groan at her voice in my head. I quickly grab a few condoms and run them back into my bedroom before rushing back to the front door.

I swung the door open and took in Monty. He’s dressed in dark grey dress pants and a black collared shirt. Just like when we met at Nancy’s, he had the sleeves rolled up and it showed off his forearms. Could a woman be turned on just by the sight of forearms? I was beginning to think maybe so. “Hey…”

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