Chapter 30

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“Can I call you back in a second, Mom? Monty is calling and he’s out with Nia.”

“Sure, sweetheart, we’ll talk soon.”

I disconnect the call with my mom and press the button to take Monty’s call instead. Normally I would probably just call him back, but he was out running errands with Nia while I was at work and my anxiety made it almost impossible not to take his calls. Nia was out of school today and Monty said he wanted to spoil her this afternoon, who was I to say no?

“Hey, Monty,” I say once his call connects.

“Hey baby girl, we just wanted to know if you were on your way home soon.”

“Yes, I actually just pulled into the neighborhood. You two are home already? I expected you out until close to dinner.”

“We’re not exactly home. Do me a favor.”

“Okay,” I replied suspiciously.

“Nia and I are shooting hoops, but I forgot to grab us some bottles of water. Mind being a saint and bringing some over to the park?”

“The two of you can’t just walk back over to the house for water?”

“Humor me, Iris.”

“Fine, but only because I love you. Are you on speakerphone?” I ask.

“No,” he chuckled.

“Good, I just wanted to say I’m actually only doing it because if you’re shooting hoops it means that you’re all sweaty and that does something to me.”

“Jesus, Iris,” he growls into the phone, “I’m standing in the middle of a park, could you not?”

“Oopsie,” I pretended to apologize, but I wasn’t sorry at all. “I’m pulling into the driveway now. See you soon.”

“Oppsie, my ass. I love you.”

“Love you too!” The call disconnected and I turned off my car, grabbing everything I needed to take inside. I traveled to work with way too much. Once inside the house, I dropped off my bags and grabbed a small cooler to fill with a couple of bottles of water, and also tossed in some beef jerky. If they two were playing long enough, they’d be hungry.

The park was a short walk from our place, but it was in the opposite direction of how I drove into the neighborhood. The sidewalk curved as the basketball court came into view. I didn’t see Nia or Monty though, I couldn’t hear them either. Anxiety brewed in my stomach, something was off. I told myself maybe they were sitting under the ramada taking refuge from the sun, but that also came into view with not a soul in sight.

“What the hell?” I said to myself. The park was empty, the two of them nowhere to be seen. I pulled out my phone and dialed Monty’s number. He picked up the call right away.

“Hey love, are you here yet?”

“What’s going on, Monty?” I keep looking around. “I don’t see you anywhere. If this is some prank, just know that I am already annoyed.”

“Don’t be annoyed, Love. Do me a favor and continue on the sidewalk.”


“Please, baby, just trust me.”

“You’re going really fucking weird.” He chuckled on the other line but didn’t say anything else. I stayed on the path that headed to the other side of the neighborhood, but I still didn’t see him. “Where are you, Monty?”

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