Chapter 20

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For the first time in a week, I woke up feeling refreshed. It takes just a second to register that I overslept. The sun is shining way too brightly in my room and I panic. Looking at my phone just reinforced what I already knew. Ignoring my nasty morning breath, I pocketed my cell phone and hurried out the bedroom door. One glance down the hall, I could see that Nia’s door was open. A split-second later I heard her unmistakable laughter coming from the living area of the house. My shoulders relaxed a bit, knowing that Nia wasn’t by herself. 

“Left tab, left tab!” Monty yelled.

“I am left tabbing!” Nia replied in a fit of laughter.

They weren’t in the kitchen, but I had a sneaky suspicion where I would find the two. Sure enough, they were on the floor in the living room, video game controllers in hand, playing the latest basketball video game. On the far end of the room were the remnants of Monty’s makeshift bed. Every day I tell him that he can go home and sleep in his own bed, but every night he ignores me and throws his pillow and blankets and takes his spot on the couch.

I’ll admit that I love having him in the house. I’d much rather be sharing a bed with him, but we both agree that’s moving a bit too quickly for Nia. If I knew my daughter though, she wouldn’t think twice about the change in arrangements. She’s got Monty wrapped around her little finger and she adores him.

“Good morning, you two.” Both startle a bit, completely enamored with the game rather than my presence behind them. 

“Morning, Mom!” Nia sets down her controller and hugs me. Her energy is back up again and if I didn’t know she was in a hospital bed just a week ago. 

Nia tolerated both rounds of antibiotic treatment well enough to be released from the hospital earlier than expected. She did have to go back two days after getting home for one final treatment, but we were more than happy to accept that compromise. As the week has gone on, her energy levels have increased little by little. Yesterday was the first day she didn’t spend more than half of the day in bed or resting on the couch. After work yesterday, Monty brought over his game console. He spent the evening teaching her how to play, it was the perfect activity to break the boredom. 

“How are you feeling today, baby girl? Give me just a moment and I’ll get some breakfast going. I’m sorry I accidentally slept through my alarm.”

“That’s okay, I already ate.”

“You did?” I look over at Monty who is standing up from the floor. 

“I was up early this morning and ran a little errand to get bagels. Nia and I already had one, but we saved a cinnamon sugar one for you.”

“There’s even sweet cream cheese, Mom!”

“I guess I better go make myself something to eat then. You never told me how you were feeling today.” I bop her nose and she shakes me off.

“I feel really good today, Mom. Even my head didn’t hurt this morning!” 

The one lasting symptom has been a headache that she’s been waking up with every morning. That’s why I’ve been trying to get up early so I could get pain relievers in her right when she woke up. “That’s great news, Nia.” I kiss her forehead. “I love you.”

“Love you too, Mom. Can Monty and I keep playing?”

“Of course.”

“Can you play on your own for a bit, Squirt? I want to talk to your mom.”

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