Chapter 3: Adventures in Troll Sitting, Despair Bear Part 1

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A few weeks after Marinette's encounters with Volpina and The Collector, things over on Jim's end of the globe were finally getting interesting. After the incident in Toby's dentist's office, the boy and their Troll friends had kept trying to find evidence to prove their claims to Vendel, only to come up empty. But that was all going to change on one fateful night...

Well after the day had turned into night, a pair of glowing yellow eyes were aimed at the Nuñez house before a goblin quickly scuttled towards the home. When the small panting creature had reached the front porch, it jumped to the thick pole of the awning and rapidly climbed up to the second story. The goblin then scampered onto the roof and peered inside the first open window it came across, finding a young girl lying under the covers of her bed. Disappointed in not finding its target right away, the green pest continued running along the roof and reached another open window, seeming to have been waiting for the creature's entry.

Upon seeing the sleeping inhabitant within the room, the intruding goblin let out a pleased laugh before crawling up the window and into the room. After entering the room, the goblin's eyes scanned the walls covered in stars coming from a rotating mobile above a baby's crib, before jumping on top of it. Now perched on the mobile, the goblin jumped down to the crib and peered down to find a blonde-haired child peacefully sleeping within, a small bunny with the child as he lovingly embraced it. Hearing the movement, Baby Enrique; the baby the goblin had come to take, sadly awoke and cooed at the invading creature, his pacifier popping from his mouth.

"Aw..." the goblin cooed at the baby reaching for him, his long limbs easily balancing him on the ledges of the crib while he smiled widely at Enrique. "Ooh! Chaka, Chaka, Chaka, Chaka." the little green pest purred, Enrique having no idea that he was in such a dangerous situation as he kept trying to reach for the leader of the goblins.


The next morning came very quickly after the goblins' leader had invited himself into the Nuñes home, but no one had been made aware of what had happened. This also included Jim and Toby, who were spending their afternoon after class watching the new and improved Vespa slowly circle in the window of their town's dealership.

"Check that baby out." Toby said as they watched the Vespa through the window in front of them, their reflections bouncing off the glass surface while Jim exhaled.

"Vespa 300 GTS Super. Single-cylinder catalyzed four-stroke Quasar engine. Hmm..." Jim gushed, his nerdy side showing as he listed off the winning qualities of the vehicle he and Toby were staring at, both boys smiling at it. "Can you imagine me going down the road on that? Wind whipping through my hair, Claire holding tight to my back..." the Trollhunter said, already thinking about the scenario he was describing and imagining it happening in real life.

"And me, cruising in the sidecar next to ya." Toby cut in, trying to dream as Jim did but ended up earning an adorable glare from his best friend instead. "Oh. You imagined you and Claire alone, didn't you?" the geology nerd realized, followed by Jim moving away from the window as he let out a large sigh.

"What are the chances of your mom getting you one for your birthday?" Toby wondered as he stepped between Jim and the window, pointing at the display behind him.

"Only slightly worse than me winning the lottery and buying it myself." Jim admitted, not hopeful of his chances.

"What about your grandma? You know she wouldn't be against you following in her footsteps in the motor vehicle department." Toby pointed out, knowing full well of Jim's paternal grandmother's hobbies. "Heck, she'd probably give you a motorcycle instead!" the rounded boy exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air in his excitement.

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