Chapter 14: Bittersweet Sixteen Part 2

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Now that he knew of the threat sent after him, Jim immediately told Toby what happened earlier and all about the Stalkling. But that was only part of their current concerns, seeing as they had to get to school on time. As luck would have it, Jim's birthday had coincided with a half day of lessons that the teachers were using to partake in a morning meeting. So after what would have been lunchtime, Jim and Toby headed to their classes, hoping to keep their minds off of the Stalkling threat or any other issues for a little bit. But it seemed that they wouldn't get their wish when Toby's phone started buzzing while Jim was putting a textbook into his locker, the rounded boy's face immediately dropping when he saw who it was.

"Ugh, this Vespa guy keeps calling about paying for the damage." Toby complained, earning a wince from Jim at the reminder of the earlier attack.

"Ugh, the mirror. He noticed?" Jim questioned Toby as closed his locker, still wearing the jacket Marinette gave him while turning to face his best friend.

"Yeah. You know the $328.32 you saved up? He wants all of it." Toby reported, causing Jim to quickly scoff before facepalming himself in frustration. "I told him you became a monk and renounced all earthly possessions, but he didn't believe me!" the geology nerd rapidly added, hoping it would ease the blow before they started walking down the open hallway.

"So how are you doing with that whole death-bird thing?" Toby asked Jim as the bell rang behind them, wondering how he was processing his new reality.

"I'll live. I'll just never be alone again. Claire and plenty of other people are at rehearsal, I can call my mom to pick me up after, and you'll ride with me to school." Jim replied, listing off the numerous ways he could keep avoiding the Stalkling for the time being.

"Okay, and then what? What happens if you have to go to the bathroom? Do you have to take a chaperone?" Toby questioned, nitpicking Jim's plan to prevent any opportunity for attacks by the Troll-bird. "Not it, by the way." the rounded boy quickly exclaimed, throwing his arms up out of dramatic flair as they stopped in front of two large doors.

"Don't worry, Tobes. I think my escort has that part covered." Jim assured his best friend as he raised his hand to an earpiece in his ear, pressing a button and connecting to the caller on the other end. "How's it looking up there, sis?" the Trollhunter inquired the person on the other end, looking up at the roof and spotting a flash of red and black polka dots near the edge.

When learning of the Stalkling's hunting habits, Ladybug decided to extend her visit for as long as possible as a means to provide Jim with some extra protection. The Trollhunter immediately jumped at the offer, with the underlying hope of having the chance to spend time with his little sister outside of their respective jobs. So that's how Ladybug found herself camped out on the roof of Arcadia Oaks High, scanning the skies for any sign of the assassin Troll-bird with a pair of binoculars she borrowed from Toby.

"Nothing yet. I think you might have scared the Stalkling off when you hit it earlier." Ladybug reported as she lowered the binoculars from her eyes, her Bug Phone at her ear as she relayed her findings. "But you know I can't be your escort forever, right? I do have to go back to Paris before the end of the weekend here." the spotted heroine reminded her brother, sinking back behind the roof railing to keep out of sight and keep some of the sun's rays off of her in the provided shade.

"I know. But the Stalkling has to lose interest eventually, right?" Jim asked with a shrug, hoping that it would be the case.

"Hideout amongst people until the troll bird gets bored. Heroic plan, Jimbo." Toby remarked, pointing two fingers at Jim with a playful grin.

"That won't be the case all the time. We need to find a way to kill this thing." Ladybug said, knowing that there was only one way to prevent the Stalkling from even trying to kill Jim.

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