Chapter 26: Glaciator Part 2

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Seeing as the balcony Chat Noir chose to set up the dinner for him and Ladybug was so close to Marinette's, all the hero in black had to do was leap the distance between their two rooftops to arrive at the spot. The only downside was that the trip was too short for his unexpected dismay. But once he landed, Chat Noir gently set Marinette down on her feet, eager to show her what he prepared earlier. Someone might as well enjoy the surprise, right?

"Just give me a minute." Chat Noir said as he gently moved Marinette's arms off of his shoulders, the girl still keeping her eyes closed while he re-lit the candles on the balcony. "Alright, you can open your eyes now." the black-clad hero announced, prompting Marinette to finally open her eyes and suddenly look around the candle-lit balcony in awe.

"Wow! Chat Noir, this is... beautiful!" Marinette gushed, spinning in place as she took in the meant-to-be romantic scene. However, her praise fell on deaf ears, which Marinette came to realize when she noticed Chat Noir looking glumly at a candle to her right. Upon seeing the feline still so sad, it only fanned the flames of Marinette's guilt, knowing that she was responsible for his broken heart. "I'm so sorry." the pigtailed girl sorrowfully apologized, not knowing what else to say that wouldn't out her identity.

"Why? It's not your fault." Chat Noir pointed out as he leaned over the candle, the memory of being stood up still fresh in his mind now that he was back on the balcony he set up for the dinner.

"No, what I mean is I'm very sorry for you. To think that you prepared all of this and then... she didn't show." Marinette explained, her own feelings of heartbreak coming into the mix since Chat Noir's situation reminded her of her own with Adrien.

"She told me she might not make it but I had my fingers crossed. I really wanted her to come." Chat Noir said, not taking his gaze off of the candle while Marinette walked over to stand next to him.

"Maybe she had a good reason for not coming. Like, a family emergency or something." Marinette suggested while leaning her back against the railing and looking at her shoes, trying to not sound so guilty for standing her partner up.

"You're only saying that to make me feel better." Chat Noir muttered.

"Maybe I am. You've done so for me, so why can't I do the same in return?" Marinette questioned the hero, looking up from her shoes and back at him as she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I just don't want to have my hopes crushed again." Chat Noir sadly replied, sighing as he looked at his feet and gently jerked his shoulder from Marinette's hand.

"Chat..." Marinette began, only to immediately notice Glaciator on the street across from the balcony and aiming right at her. "LOOK OUT!!" the red-tipped-haired girl screamed, followed by Glaciator shooting one of his ice cream globs at her.

Out of reflex after training with Draal, Marinette's hand went for her blazer, hoping to use her rope dart to block the attack. But Chat Noir was faster and blocked the shot of ice cream with his staff, quickly putting it away before picking Marinette up and jumping away from the balcony to hide from the new akuma.

"Marinette, party pooper, you're looking so sad and surly!! But Glaciator will make it all better, don't you worry!" Glaciator called out as he stomped through the streets, looking for the girl in question. Fortunately for the teens, Glaciator hadn't seen them hiding behind the building that flanked the balcony they were on, letting the akuma continue towards the Place Des Vosges.

"What on Earth is that? Another supervillain in love with you?" Chat Noir questioned the girl in his arms, sort of teasing her while crouching close to the roof to avoid being spotted.

"Ew, no! That's André the ice cream maker." Marinette exclaimed, quickly realizing who was after her.

"The sweetheart's ice cream guy? He isn't looking too sweet right now." Chat Noir remarked as he glanced at the new akuma, concerned by how such a feat was possible.

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