Chapter 5: Adventures in Troll Sitting, Despair Bear Part 3

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While Despair Bear was being akumatized, the rose petal spell Artemis cast had faded away and the partygoers had started dancing again after Nino went back to manning the DJ booth. As such, no one had seen Despair Bear leaving the kitchen to search for a victim to taunt Chloé, his gaze falling onto Sabrina before he attached himself to her leg, her eyes now bright green due to her being controlled. Seconds later, Sabrina is under the akuma's mind control power and forced to walk around looking for Chloé, quickly finding Artemis and Chloé while they are talking off to the side.

"What you just did was out of line, Chloé! Armand was just trying to help you." Artemis yelled at her honorary niece, her eyes filled with thinly veiled rage.

"But he humiliated me in front of everyone! How are you okay with that?!" Chloé cried, not believing that Artemis was taking Armnad's side in this.

"Look, while I'm not a fan of his techniques and he could have chosen a different way to encourage you to continue being nice, you didn't need to fire him." Artemis sighed, placing her hand on her forehead out of frustration. "Not to mention you brought that one upon yourself when trying to break Adrien and that girl apart." the Changeling added with a raised eyebrow at Chloé, neither seeing the mind-controlled Sabrina coming towards them.

"Easy for you to say, Auntie Arty, you're not the one in my shoes." Chloé replied as she looked down at the ground, actually having a good point for once. "Either way, now I don't have to be worried about being embarrassed anymore!" the heiress exclaimed, looking back up at her aunt just as Sabrina got close enough to the discussing females, the redhead pulling out a hairbrush from her purse.

"Come here, Chloé." the mind-controlled Sabrina said as she held up the brush towards Chloé, drawing both female's attention to her and leaving them unsettled by her request.

"Sabrina? What's gotten into you?" Chloé wondered aloud, her concern bleeding into her voice before she took a few steps back from the suddenly approaching Sabrina.

"Let me brush your hair! I promise I won't hurt you!" Sabrina urged, her vacant stare giving away that she wasn't in her right mind before she lunged at Chloé.

"Ahh! Somebody stop her!" Chloé shouted, holding Sabrina away from her while Artemis grabbed ahold of her as well, this being the second time that she needed to keep the redhead away from her niece.

"Sabrina, snap out of it!" Artemis pleaded with Sabrina as she kept a hold of her while Chloé ran away, only for the bespeckled girl to break free from her hold on her and start chasing Chloé.

As the bewitched Sabrina chased after Chloé, they ended up running in between Marinette and Adrien as they kept dancing, drawing their attention to the two girls. Just as Artemis was approaching the two previously dancing teens, Chloé had found Kim and hid behind him, causing the jock to spot the controlled Sabrina coming towards them. Say what you want about Kim's intelligence, but he was smart enough to know that something was up.

"If you touch one hair on Chloé's head, you'll have to answer to me." Kim threatened Sabrina, blocking the redhead from getting any closer to the blonde brat. But unknown to him, Kim's courage had caught Despair Bear's attention.

"Oh, what a gentleman. Despair Bear praises a knight in shining armor." Despair Bear cooed evilly, followed by him controlling his bear puppet to grab onto Kim's leg to gain control of the jock, all while Artemis Adrien and Marinette had witnessed the deed.

'Oh great. Just great!' Artemis thought to herself before walking towards Chloé and Kim, hoping to find a way to help distract the akuma so that Adrien and Marinette could have some time to transform. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait any longer for the two secret heroes to get their butts in gear.

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