Chapter 29: Gorizilla Part 1

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The week following the Sapotis attack and Rena Rouge's debut turned out to be quiet, much to the heroes' surprise. After their training session following the akuma, Ladybug barely came away with a score of 4 to 4 against Chat Noir despite the training she got from Draal. Turns out Chat Noir had been getting some extra training of his own and his instructor was quite good too, leaving the spotted heroine impressed. However, it did make Ladybug keen on increasing her training despite the limited days she could do so with her Troll instructor, leading to her doing solo sessions on Draal's off days.

Now that the weekend had arrived once again, the two heroes were looking forward to getting some well-needed rest. Especially Adrien, who had to participate in an unexpected ad for his signature perfume line and needed to dodge his fans at school towards the end of the week. But despite the influx of attention he was getting, Adrien had some plans for how he was going to spend his Saturday. This is how he found himself in Gabriel's atelier, nervously standing at the doorway in the hopes of getting permission to leave the house from the scariest person he knew... his own father.

"Father, there's something I'd like to talk to you...about. Can I have a few minutes of your time?" Adrien timidly greeted his father, anxiously fiddling with the ring on his finger while standing at the doorway of Gabriel's office.

"Yes, of course." Gabriel replied, not even looking away from his computer despite his words immediately causing Adrien to perk up.

"Really?" Adrien happily chirped, looking straight at his father amid his excitement.

"I'll tell Nathalie to let you know as soon as I'm available." Gabriel went on, still not even looking at Adrien as the boy sighed in disappointment.

"It'll be too late, by then." Adrien mumbled to himself, his words just loud enough to finally grab Gabriel's attention away from his current task and notice that Adrien was still fidgeting with his ring. A ring... he didn't have any recollection of Adrien receiving it. Either from him, Nathalie, or his mother before her passing.

"Shouldn't you be practising your piano?" Gabriel questioned his son, wondering why his son was wasting valuable time trying to talk to him instead of improving his musical skills.

"Yes. I'll... get right on it." Adrien sadly replied, followed by him walking out of the room with his head hung low. But as soon as the door was closed behind Adrien, Plagg took this as a chance to poke his head from his holder's overshirt in the hopes of cheering him up.

"Looks like you old man isn't going to be much help." Plagg remarked while Adrien started walking up the stairs, heading up to his room like his father had instructed.

"I was hoping that he'd be open to listening to me today of all days. But he's been so distant with me lately like he was before Simon Says!" Adrien vented to his kwami, taking the opportunity of no one else being in the vicinity to openly talk with his little friend without being either discovered or thought crazy. "What kind of work thing could be so important that he'd so busy that I have to make an appointment just to talk to him?!" the green-eyed boy growled when he reached the top of the stairs, continuing to his room.

"I don't know, kid. Your dad is as just as much a mystery to me as he is to you." Plagg admitted while Adrien opened his room door, entering the space before closing it behind them. "But that doesn't mean you can go out on your own, you know." the black kwami reminded his holder, flying out from Adrien's overshirt to float next to the boy.

"You're really okay with helping me sneak out? Usually, you're very keen on not doing anything if it's not eating camembert." Adrien recalled, surprised by Plagg's eagerness to do something instead of just laying around and pigging out.

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