Chapter 25: Glaciator Part 1

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The week following Jim's exploits with the Grit-Shaka was abnormally quiet, especially in regards to Strickler's inaction to Jim and Toby's knowledge of him being a Changeling. After Marinette had the chance to calm down from her rage at the betrayal, she was still upset about it but less so to the point that she could go on like things were normal. Fortunately for her, there weren't any akumas following that fateful call and had left both Marinette and Adrien some time to unwind a bit when they weren't training or studying. But the quiet was broken that fateful late Friday afternoon when a runaway bus full of passengers began crashing through the streets of Paris, needing help from the city's protectors.

Thanks to their powers, Ladybug and Chat Noir were able to quickly catch up to the runaway bus and land on the top of the roof, just in time to hear the driver shout about the busted brakes. Now knowing the situation, it gave the heroes all they needed to come up with a plan to save the bus full of civilians.

"Ready, Chat Noir?" Ladybug questioned her partner, followed by her running to the front of the speeding bus for her part of the plan.

"I'm always ready, my lady. Who needs brakes when they've got us?" Chat Noir quipped before throwing his staff to Ladybug, who caught it as she flipped off the bus and threw her yo-yo at it to wrap around the vehicle while falling to the ground.

Once her yo-yo was ready, Ladybug's back met the ground seconds before the bus passed right over her, prompting her to quickly wrap her yoyo around Chat Noir's staff in the process. While the bus passed from above her, Chat Noir jumped from the back of the runaway bus and into the air just as Ladybug came out from underneath it and threw his staff at him to catch. As soon as Chat Noir caught his weapon, he extended his staff while in mid-air and let it go to rest in between two lamp posts, the yo-yo string tied to it keeping the staff from falling to the ground.

Tension in the last-minute catching mechanism grew as the bus kept speeding down the street, which the heroes saw as Chat Noir landed on the ground next to his partner when it was about to hit three civilians. Luckily, the heroes' plan works as the lampposts, staff, and yoyo all manage to stop it from happening, forcing the bus to slow to a stop just inches away from the civilians. With the danger passed, Ladybug and Chat Noir sped over to the bus and released the vehicle of their weapons before escorting the passengers off the bus when its doors opened up.

"So, Ladybug, can I ask you something?" Chat Noir began as he helped an elderly woman off the bus, standing on the side closest to the front while Ladybug stood on the side across from him.

"Of course, Kitty. What's on your mind?" Ladybug asked, helping a shell-shocked teenager ease his way to solid ground.

"Well... I was wondering if you would like to meet up with me tonight for a little rooftop-style dinner." Chat Noir said, a nervous twang in his tone as he kept helping people out of the bus.

"Dinner? As superheroes?" Ladybug repeated, making sure she heard her partner right as she helped a pregnant woman down from the previously speeding vehicle.

"Yeah, that's right." Chat Noir confirmed, followed by him fist-bumping an older man as he left the bus. "Seeing as we're only together when we're saving Paris, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another a bit more personally?" the feline hero asked while helping a child step out onto the now quiet street, unknowingly bringing up a desire Ladybug had since becoming Chat Noir's partner.

"I... That's so thoughtful of you, Chat Noir." Ladybug said with a lopsided smile, helping the last civilian out of the bus before she remembered one little detail. "But I'm afraid I can't. I already have plans with some friends." the spotted heroine explained in a slightly guilty tone, feeling bad that she couldn't join her partner just as the bus driver stepped out of the bus.

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