Chapter 31: Gorizilla Part 3

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The chase after Gorizilla proved to be a lot easier than Ladybug thought, seeing as he was easy to spot thanks to his large size. In no time at all, Ladybug had caught up to him thanks to her yo-yo, seeing Wayhem frantically pedalling his bike after the akuma on the streets below. However, she ignored both him and his weird choice of using a motorcycle helmet as a bike helmet as she swung past him, continuing her chase of Gorizilla.

"Put Adrien down right now!" Ladybug demanded the gorilla akuma mid-swing, landing on a rooftop before running along it as she watched Gorizilla head towards Montparnasse Tower.

While still following Gorizilla, Ladybug could only watch as he leapt onto the tower and climbed up to the roof, where he let out a tremendous roar reminiscent of King Kong. But amid the akuma's roaring, Ladybug finally arrived at the top of the tower, jumping into the air far above Gorizilla and ready to attack him.

"Let him go!" the spotted heroine shouted, throwing her yo-yo towards the fist Gorizilla had Adrien captive in.

Unfortunately, Ladybug's demand had tipped off Gorizilla to her presence and made him glance back to see her yo-yo heading towards his charge. Thinking quickly, Gorizilla moved the targeted fist out of the way of Ladybug's yo-yo, making her miss as he ducked away from Ladybug as she landed on the roof a few feet away from the akuma.

"Ladybug!" Adrien cheered from Gorizilla's fist, glad to see the heroine there to help him.

However, Adrien wasn't the only one who was interested in Ladybug's arrival. Thanks to his connection to Gorizilla, Hawkmoth had a front-row view of the fight about to begin and was intrigued by what he was seeing.

"She's alone! If Adrien is Chat Noir, then he'll have to transform to help her." Hawkmoth observed, the butterfly outline appearing on Gorizilla's face as he saw that Ladybug was there without her partner... seeming to confirm his suspicions. "Gorizilla, attack Ladybug!" the hermit supervillain ordered Gorizilla, kickstarting the fight between his latest minion and the superhero.

Following his benefactors' demand, Gorizila reached to grab Ladybug with his free hand in the hopes of capturing her while her back was still turned to him. However, Ladybug sensed the attack and leapt into the air again to dodge his advance, followed by her throwing her yo-yo at his occupied fist again to try and free Adrien before truly attacking the akuma. Her first attempt failed when Gorizilla pulled Adrien towards himself, forcing Ladybug to tumble onto the akuma's shoulder and land on his thigh before jumping back into the air to try again.

The second attempt yielded a better result when Ladybug threw her yo-yo at Gorizilla's face, the hit disorienting him for a second before he reached to grab her. But that second was all Ladybug needed to redirect her fall to land on Gorizilla's arm and reach his shoulder despite the giant gorilla's attempts to shake her off of him. It went even better when Gorizilla tried using his occupied fist to block Ladybug, giving her a chance to try and open the hand to free Adrien. Unfortunately, Gorizilla's grip proved too tight for her to even budge it an inch, even with all her super strength behind her.

"There's no use! He's too strong!" Adrien told Ladybug, having tried to escape on his own during the journey to Montparnasse Tower.

Upon feeling Ladybug trying to free Adrien, Gorizilla pulled his occupied fist away from his shoulder and roared at the heroine, causing her to fall off of the akuma and the building. Fortunately for Ladybug, she managed to catch herself by using her yo-yo, landing on the face of the tower before using her weapon to try and contact Chat Noir.

However, it went straight to voicemail and left Ladybug feeling more panicked than she already felt.

"Chat Noir, where are you? I really need your help, fast! I'm at Montparnasse Tower!" Ladybug said to the voicemail, closing her yo-yo before looking up and seeing Gorizilla about to grab her again.

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