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I am in the middle of my sleep when I feel a pair of hands rougly shaking me and due to me being a light sleeper I am now  fully awake.

I open my eyes and to my surprise it is thee husband of the year.


I ask in a suprised tone.

The man walks up and down and I don't understand him so I get off the bed and wear my slippers and sit back on the bed while looking at him walking up and down.

The constant walking up and down is making me dizzy and he looks so untidy one would swear he came from a fight. I decide to take my chances and ask him about where he is coming from.

"So where are you coming from?"

I ask him while holding my breath.

"What nonsense are you asking MaKhanyile?"

He questions me.

People do help and answer me here, is wanting to know my husband's whereabouts nonsense?

"Scebi it is not nonsense I asked a question and I expect an answer."

I boldly answer him. He stops on his tracks and gives me a look and I am instantly regretting the confidence I had in my statement.

"Do you know that a man is to be respected no matter what, MaKhanyile I am the head of this house so I wear the pants in this marriage. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to ask me where I am coming from especially knowing that I am coming from the office to work so I can provide for you!"

He shouts at me. I am just done with this whole conversation right now. I have a daughter which is sick and it seems that I am the only one that is worried about that here.

"Why are you sleeping at this time of the day?"

He continues to question me.

"I was just taking a nap."

I answer him.

"A nap at this time of the day?!"

He is raising his voice at me and he thinks I can't see through him that right now he is loooking for ways to start a fight with me so he can release all that anger he has on me.

"Yes at this time of the day and I am now awake all thanks to you."

I mumble to myself.

"What was that?"

He says while standing right infront of me. Sheesh I didn't even see him moving from where he was standing to him being in front of me.

"Uhm...Selu was here looking for you."

I say while looking down.

He clicks his tongue and stares at me.

"What did you say to him?"

He questions me.


*A hot slap lands on my face*

I hold my left cheek in shock as I register that Scebiseni has just slapped me and it stings.

"Scebiseni you slapped me?"

I ask with tears threatening to come out.

"I said what did you say to him about me because he was angry at me."

He asks me.

"I didn't say anything to him."

He has no tie on just a formal shirt and he rolls the long-sleeve shirt up on his left arm and I am up on my feet.

"MaKhanyile come here!"

He yells at me while pointing the floor before him. I stay standing where I am and I have no intention of moving at all.

"I said here!"

He says still shouting while staring at me.

I shake my head no and he moves towards me and I move backwards.

He is still coming forward and I am reversing and the next thing I land my back on the bed and he uses this opportunity to grab my foot and pull me towards the floor.

"I said what did you tell Selu and you decide to act all cocky with me."

He says in a calm yet angry voice while he is pulling me to him.

I land on the floor and he chuckles.

*A second slap lands on my face*

The second slap lands on the very first cheek that received the first, the only difference now is that I felt it more along with it's gold graze due to that gold band that represent our bond, our marriage.

*I get a punch on my right side of my ribs*

I am on the floor as it is with tears streaming down my face.

"I am sorry!"

I say as I am holding my cheek  with one hand and trying to touch my ribs.


He spits out while punching me and also hitting me at the same time.

"I am sorry Mbatha!"

I say as I am begging for my mercy at the hands of my own husband.

"Shut up!"

He shouts at me. He stands and begins to kick me. He kicks me with his left foot and then his right, one would swear he is dribbling a soccer ball.

"I am sorry I will never do it again."

I say to him while busy crying.

"Of course you will not do it again MaKhanyile. You think you are the man in this marriage."

He shouts at me.

I shake my head no.

"Use your mouth and don't shake your head at me."

He spits.

"You are the man and I will not do it again."

I say to him while sniffing and trying to prevent myself from crying.

"Yes and you will be a submissive wife to me so we will all be happy. Another thing if I hear a word about this to anyone you know what I am capable off."

He says while giving me a kick on my neck which results me in me coughing and him leaving the room.

Today Scebiseni has given me a beating. Okay this is not the first time it is actually the second time and I guess today it went a bit far. The first time he just slapped me once and apologised for it and I forgave him because it was once. Today was a bit too much.

My body is in so much pain. I need to get up and fix myself and check on my child.

So Scebi is a woman beater☹️🚮

Too be continued...

The Life Of Mrs. Mbatha❤

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