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I am now sleeping on the bed as it is and my body is in so much pain. I reach for my phone on the bedside table and the time on the phone states it is past midnight.

I look at the left side of the bed and it is empty. I slowly touch the space and it is cold. This means one thing, he did not sleep here.

Scebi is something else honestly. How can you beat up your wife and leave her on the floor and wonder to wherever it is he went to and not even check on your wife.

He left me lying on the floor in that state of which he caused, from that I had to crawl to the en-suite of which luckily I was close to it.

I want to check on my daughter right now but I am in so much pain. I drank pain killers that were in the bathroom cabinet and I dozed off and now I am awake.

I open my phone and head to check my husband's last seen on whatsapp and it reads 18:30.

Wow. So at half past six he was online and he did not even send a text to me to at least tell me that he is not coming home.

I just lost my energy after looking at the last seen so I logged out and went to google to find out more about lack of sodium being related to seizures.
This is what Nurse Fikile diagnosed as the problem with Snakhokonke.

I need to get as much information as possible because my daughter needs to get better. She is the only person who I am enduring this life and trying to live it. My only reason that I wake up everyday and brace myself to see what the next day has for me.

I practically have no family support, poor social life. I just wish sometimes that I was dead. I know it is bad to wish such but looking at my life it would've been far better.

I really need to find something to do with my life honestly because this thing of not having something to do leads to thinking about your problems which causes you to overthink seeing that there is no distraction and you end up depressed or even worse with anxiety and stress.

My phone beeps and I look at it and I need to charge it. I am in pain and the charger is in the drawer by my side of the bed but the wall socket is far from me. I guess I will charge it later.

"Scebi you sure are a husband." I say out loud only for my ears.

I can feel the pain getting a bit too much but if I close my eyes I can get back to sleep.


The Life Of Mrs. Mbatha

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