Chapter 3.

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As soon as the door shut Azriel moved into the shadows following her. His head was spinning, and his chest filled with fury. It's been hundreds of years since he felt like this, he knew there were stronger beings out there, but this witch could end everything that he loved, without breaking a sweat.

She walked down below, moving like she lived here all her life, didn't check her directions, circled around the square, strolled confidently as the sun was settling, stopping only by the river.

He landed in the distance and stalked closer, staying in the shadows. She just stood there, gazing at the sunset, with her onyx hair flowing in the wind, half of it braided on top of her head and the rest in waves reaching the small of her back. Everything about her was foreign, he had never seen a hairstyle like this, but it was a warrior's hair. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. "You can come out, you know!"

Her eyes were still closed, but Azriel knew she was talking to him and he was not about to reveal himself. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. How could she have sensed him?

Her eyes remained on the horizon. " This, all of this, how I envy you. This view is nearly as beautiful as you, Shadowsinger!" She turned her head sideways, and he could see a ghost of a smile "Have it your way, I will see you in two days"

And just like before she just disappeared into thin air. He was in the air a minute later, but could not find her anywhere. Despite staying for several hours, scouring the area, there was no sign of her, even her scent had faded.

It was around midnight that he got home,he moved out from the House of Winds after Cassain and Nesta mated. It was time, though he missed the chatter, even though he would never admit it to them. His grumbling stomach reminded him that he hadn't eaten since breakfast. Lost in thought, he pondered the existence of other powerful beings out there, wondering if she could potentially be another Amarantha. Yet, here she was, willingly serving. The mere thought made his stomach churn. Why did she feel the need to mention that she doesn't drink blood when it's such a fundamental aspect of being a witch? And if she isn't drawing her power from the cauldron, then where is it coming from?

She hadn't revealed her age, but it was clear that she was more than a century old. Witches typically stay young by drinking the blood of the young. There must be some other reason for her youthful appearance, she did not look older than Nesta. A thought for tomorrow.

The following day, Cassian practised with Azriel in silence. He could tell that Azriel was annoyed and frustrated since he was attacking more forcefully than usual.

Cassian attempted to lighten the mood "What's the matter? Did that witch get under your skin?" but Azriel continued to focus and strike even harder. This is going to be a challenging day.

When they finally reached the Riverfront house, their black eyes had started to fade.

Elain paused, putting out a jug of coffee on the table when she scanned them entering. Azriel's face was concealed by his shadows, always ready to assist their master. "Don't ask" Cassian muttered, and Azriel disappeared into the shadows after grabbing a cup for himself. Amren, noticing their dishevelled appearance, couldn't help but comment, "Is anyone going to acknowledge that you two look like you've been in a bar brawl? What did you do?" She narrowed her eyes at Nesta, who met her gaze head-on. "Not every problem revolves around me... not anymore."

Cassian, with a smirk on his face, chimed in, "Just a tough training session, no bar fight. Someone had some extra energy to burn." He stuffed eggs into his mouth, but Azriel unexpectedly lost interest in his food, displaying the same level of emotion as an iceberg.

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