Chapter 5.

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Two weeks had passed and finally Morrigan had arrived back in the city, and today she woke up with a pounding headache and a sense of regret. The previous night had been filled with excessive drinking and partying at Rita's, her favourite spot in town. 

She had missed the vibrant energy of this place and needed to let loose after being away on another continent for so long. As Morrigan stumbled into the kitchen, Cassian couldn't help but comment on her dishevelled appearance. "You look absolutely dreadful " he barked at her, his voice filled with both concern and amusement. "It seems like you've already had your own celebration." 

Morrigan tried to defend herself, her voice groggy and strained. "I couldn't resist, Cassian. There was a new singer performing last night, and it felt like therapy to be there. I even booked a booth for us tonight." Just then, Nesta walked in, casually grabbing a cup of coffee from her mate. She raised an eyebrow at Morrigan's mention of a concert. "Are we going to a concert tonight?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Rhys, however, quickly shut down the idea. "No, we're not" he stated firmly, not wanting to entertain the thought of a wild night out. But Morrigan wasn't one to back down easily. She playfully nudged her cousin, urging him to reconsider. "Come on, Rhys, don't be such a bore. When was the last time we all went out together? Tonight, we need to celebrate and live a little."

The excitement in the room was contagious, and Rhys found himself unable to argue any longer. Amren kindly offered to stay behind and watch over Nyx, allowing the rest of them to enjoy their night out. Azriel, on the other hand, wasn't particularly fond of Rita's. The place was always too crowded and the music too loud for his liking. But he couldn't say no to Morrigan's request. He knew he still had to visit the witch and inform her about the upcoming dinner. He had been procrastinating on extending the invitation, and it was about time he took care of it.

He landed at the barrier and as he crossed it, it still hadn't even flicker. The witch's spell still held strong, whatever she had done to him was still effective. Approaching the cottage, he caught sight of her in the garden. Her hair was a wild mess atop her head, and beads of sweat glistened on her forehead. Despite the dirt smudging her clothes and hands, she was still captivating. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and made his way towards her.

"Such a pleasant surprise, Shadowsinger!" rising from her spot and using the back of her hand to wipe her brow. A warm smile stirred her lips as she looked at him.

"You are invited to have dinner at the house tomorrow night. I'll come and pick you up. "

"You are really set on giving me a ride aren't you?" Azriel noticed a flush creeping up her cheeks as he followed her inside. "Next time maybe, you could let me know earlier, what if I'm busy?"

Leaning against the counter, he watched her as she leaned over the sink, washing her hands. " Busy with what?"

She finished drying her hands and turned to face him, her eyebrows raised in amusement. "You might be pretty to look at, but not everything revolves around you" she retorted, a hint of challenge in her eyes.

"You did not answer the question "

She let out a soft chuckle, leaning in and resting her elbows on the table across from him. "You never did tell me" she began, her voice laced with curiosity, "Why did you let me win? Why did you do it?" Her eyes carefully studied his face, searching for any hint of a reaction, but his expression remained as impassive as stone. "I didn't" he replied in a monotone voice, his gaze unwavering. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, she seemed to drift off into her own thoughts before a small, half-smile graced her lips. "Well, at least the females seem to be excited. They appear to be more motivated each day" she remarked, his eyes studying her intently. "But tell me, what's with the green glow?" She raised her palm next to her face, as if cradling an invisible apple, and a vibrant green glow materialised, accompanied by sparks that danced like bolts of lightning. "I suppose you're referring to this" she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "It's similar to your blue trinkets, but it burns like fire or something of the sort."

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