Chapter 1

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Maeve walked along the cobblestone path towards the little cafe where she had agreed to meet her friend.

The breeze was brisker than usual for late September, she shivered as a gust of wind blew over her. She pulls her coat tight to her body, shoving her hands into her armpits.

It was so cold she could see her breath as the moon rose over London. Her hand reached out and turned the brass knob opening the door, the bell above chiming as she walks through.

She quickly scans the cafe which wasn't overly packed for a Friday night, but Maeve grinned once she saw her petite friend in the corner of the cafe.

She walked over, picking up speed as she got closer. Once Poppy realized she was standing there, the small brunette squealed leaping out of her chair to embrace Maeve.

Maeve smiled as Poppy released her from the tight embrace motioning for the girls to sit at the table.

"I have already ordered us some tea and chocolate pastries." Poppy smiles as Maeve pulls off her overcoat, draping it on the back of the iron chair.

"Wonderful idea, now" Maeve claps her hands together leaning forward so her elbows are rest against the table, "to what do I owe the invitation of tea so late on a Friday evening? Should you not be spending it with your boyfriend." Maeve teases.

Poppy just grins ear to ear, Maeve watches as her friend brings up her left hand up wiggling each finger. Maeve narrows her eyes staring at the strange gesture until a gleam of light catches her eye.

A ring.

The most beautiful ring Maeve had ever seen in her entire life. Ominis must have spent a fortune on this ring, not like Poppy would've cared. He could've proposed with a ring made from grass cutting and Poppy still would've worn it like it was her most prized possession.

Maeve screeched just as the waiter was bringing over the tea, causing the poor lad to spill it all over himself.

Poppy was riddled with laughter while Maeve jumps to the poor boy's aid, using the handkerchief on the table to try and help clean up the mess on him, blotting it against his white dress shirt.

"Oh I am so sorry" Maeve gushes, the waiter blushes as her grey-blue eyes meet his blue eyes.

"Oh.. uh.. no problem.." the boy flashed a smile at Maeve. "I will go get some more."

Maeve sat back down and looked over at Poppy who was shooting her a look.

"What?" Maeve asks checking over her skirt making sure there was no evidence of spilt tea on herself.

"You always do that" Poppy shakes her head smiling. Maeve stared at her friend, furrowing her brows in question. "Charm boys" Poppy rolls her eyes.

"I don't" Maeve pouts crossing her arms. Poppy snorts as if Maeve had just said the funniest thing she had ever heard her say.

"That boy looks like he would be happy to have hot tea spilled all over him again just to have you attempt to blot it off his chest, preferably without clothes on"

"Poppy Sweeting!" Maeve screeched, her face feeling hot. She frantically looked over her shoulder ensuring the black haired boy wasn't anywhere remotely close enough to hear her friends absurd comments. Once she turns back to Poppy, she starts. "We're obviously here to discuss this!" Maeve reaches over the table grabbing her hand, inspecting the ring.

"He proposed yesterday!" Poppy squeals. The boy returned with the tea, gently placing it in front of the girls.

"Thank you." Maeve smiles at the waiter and he blushes but nods as he backs away. "So how did it happen?!" Maeve picks up her cup of tea blowing into it in an attempt to cool it down.

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