Chapter 8

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Maeve slammed her fists down on the wooden table absolutely frustrated with herself. After Poppy had a little bit of a break down about the wedding and the stress of it all got to her, Ominis suggested they go away for a week.

Especially with Christmas only being two weeks away, Maeve agreed that it would be best for Poppy to get away and de-stress for a little bit. She also told Poppy she would take care of all the invitations.

That was her first mistake.

Her second mistake, was thinking that she could do this sober.

She went to the kitchen and started digging through the cupboard they usually kept the bottles of wine stashed. The bottles clanging as she rustles through all the empty ones.

A snort behind her causes her to startle and she hits her head on the top of the cupboard.

"Ouch." She pulls back on her knees rubbing the crown of her head. She looks up over her shoulder to see Sebastian leaning against the counter, his arms crossed, a very smug Sallow grin on his face.

"What are you looking for?" He asked in a sing-song voice as if he was taunting her. Maeve scowls as she pushes herself into a standing position, brushing her knees off.

"Wine." She replies crossing her arms, her nose tilted upwards.

"What is going on here?" Sebastian waves his hand over the kitchen table, where Maeve had all of the invitation papers out, two quills and at least three bottles of ink.

She lets out a very long exasperated sigh.

"I told Poppy I would handle the invitations because they need to go out before they get back from their trip." Maeve's shoulders slug in disappointment, there was no way in bloody hell she was getting those invitations done.

"Would you like a hand?" Sebastian offers and she narrows her eyes at him, he grins back at her sheepishly.

"Fine. I hope your penmanship has gotten better since school." Maeve teases him as she steps past him, nudging him with her shoulder. "Also only if you can find a bottle of wine."

Sebastian grins ear to ear as he trudges over to the cupboard she was just digging in. Within seconds he emerges with a full bottle of wine in his hand.

He flicks his wand, two crystal wine glasses appear and she smirks as he sets it down in front of her on the table.

"Don't spill a drop Sallow." Maeve warns glaring up at him with a sly smile.

"Or what will you do about it?" Sebastian's husky voices sends shivers right down her spine, making her toes curl. She could think of a few things she would like to do.

But instead of what she wanted to say she replied, "Or you'll have to answer to Poppy."

Sebastian dramatically shuddered as if going through Poppy Sweetings wrath was the worst thing one could endure, Maeve rolled her eyes but a small laugh escaped her.

Sebastian sat down across from her and grabbed a spare quill and ink bottle.

"Shall we?" He winks at her and she can help the heat in her face rising up as she holds his gaze.

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