Tea, Bloody Tea

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3rd Person POV:

Stefan and Elena did end up spending the night at Mrs. Flower's B&B which somewhat salvaged their attempt at a romantic getaway.

Stefan woke up before Elena and decided to give Damon a call, a little curious to find out how the rest of his brother's night went.

"Hello brother, take it morning sex was off the table if you're giving me a call this early," Damon says answering the call.

Stefan rolls his eyes even tho he knows his brother can't see him he can't help it.

"You picked up the phone awfully quick, it's not like you're otherwise occupied," Stefan points out.

"Yeah 171 years old and somehow never experienced being in the dog house until right now... don't recommend it, FYI," Damon says.

"Yeah well, usually you're only with women you can compel, it'd be weird if you had spent a lot of nights sleeping on the couch before now," Stefan points out.

"Hey, you wanna come over for breakfast?" Damon asks apparently taking Stefan by surprise if the responding silence is anything to go by.

"You can even bring the Mrs. if you want?" Damon adds sweetening his invitation.

"Breakfast?" Stefan asks still not certain this isn't some prank Damon is trying to pull.

"Yeah, you know the most important meal of the day, the meal you literally break your overnight fast with... think it's gonna take a little more than a cocktail to make up with Rose this time," Damon explains.

"Then have breakfast just the two of you why would you want Elena or me there?" Stefan asks.

"Gun to my head it's more Elena I want there," he admits,  "figure Rose will be less likely to turn my legs into swiss cheese again if a human is in the vicinity," Damon says.

"Swiss cheese?" Stefan asks confused.

"Yeah turns out getting on my girl's bad side... not recommended, so is that a yes for pancakes and waffles?" Damon asks.

"Elena's waking up now, I'll ask her and let you know," Stefan says after he feels Elena start to stir.

"Hmm, who's on the phone?" Elena asks in a sleepy voice snuggling into Stefan.

"Uh, Damon, he invited us over for breakfast, apparently he's cooking."

"Damon?" She asks looking up at him through squinted eyes making sure she heard him correctly,  "Damon Salvatore is up early and decided to not only make breakfast but invite us over for it?" she asks baffled at the sentence she just put together.

"Apparently, you want to go?" he asks.

"I mean I am kinda hungry... plus something this strange needs to be witnessed to be believed," she says now feeling more awake.

"I'll text him and let him know. Just a little heads up tho he might try using you as a human shield against Rose while we're there," Stefan tells her.


Tyler and Caroline are joining Bonnie, Jeremy, and Luka to start working on the potion Rose passed along from Elijah.

"Why did you have me tag along again?" Tyler asks.

"Look I know you're still mad at us and I know there's not a lot we can do to make up for everything but I just thought if you worked with us more then there wouldn't even be a chance for more secrets and maybe you could start to feel like one of us again... not that you're not," Caroline says before adding, "but just... you know, less in the dark about stuff and you know part of the team."

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