Room Service

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3rd Person POV:

Damon and Rose spent the rest of the night together celebrating her being alive and occasionally popping into one another's minds to continue fairy talk.

Caroline left after she heard things spicing up and sent Stefan a text he could come back from flask fishing as all was well.

Unfortunately, Stefan soon discovered he would have preferred to hang out in the murky waters under Wickery Bridge a little bit longer than hurry back.

Once Damon heard his brother return he shouted out for room service. He and Rose needed blood and he meant what he told her, neither was leaving the room until at least round 4.

"I know you can hear me, brother! Now bring us blood or Rose and I will have to get it ourselves and neither of us can seem to remember where the hell we put our clothes!"

Stefan rolled his eyes and looked to Elena, "Save me."

"What?" She asked confused.

"Damon is threatening to streak with Rose if I don't go bring them blood," he explains.

"You want me to go?" she asks.

"No, no, I'll go. Just remind me again why I put up with him?" he asks.

"Because he's your brother and deep down you love him," she tells him.

"Since when does that mean I'm on the hook for room service?" Stefan complains.

"He really thought he was going to lose her tonight, maybe just this once," Elena says.

Stefan looks over at her, he wasn't so sure he wasn't going to lose Elena the other day either but here she is still human and her and pushing him to be better.

He had never been so thankful for something.

After giving her a quick kiss he acquiesces and goes down to the basement to grab a couple blood bags for Damon and Rose taking it up to their room for them.

He knocks on the door and Damon quickly answers buck naked.

"Jesus, Damon," Stefan complains his head immediately tipping backward so his eyes go to the ceiling.

"Yeah, sorry about the lack of gratuity... must have left your tip in my other birthday suit," Damon says before grabbing the bags and slamming the door shut in his face.

"Never again," Stefan said to himself before going back to join Elena in his wing of the house.

Damon immediately started drinking from his blood bag as he sashayed his way back over to Rose on the bed.

After their shower, he had changed the sheets to a black sexy satin set which she was currently sprawled across.

"You're a horrible brother," she tells him before grabbing her bag from him.

"Please, I keep his life interesting," Damon says defending himself.

Once they both finish drinking Damon lays down next to her, letting his fingertips gently skim across her curves.

"Now... where were we?" he asks sounding a bit sultry.

"Hmm, round 2 I believe," she tells him and he smirks leaning over to kiss her.

He proceeded to worship her, kissing every square inch of her body... twice.

And finally, when she couldn't stand it a second longer the two came together in an out-of-this-world experience that seemed to transcend the mere act of sex and cross over into something almost sacred.

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