002. spiderman

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[ lily's pov ]

I JUST took the best shower of my life and i feel so good. the gang has planned a little dinner on this perfect friday night  ,  i have been looking forward to this dinner for a week and half now and can't wait to meet my people after a good month or so. Kat knocks on my door " Lily..?"

"Yeah?" I answer back "can I come in?"  "Yeah sure" I walk over opening the door as she stumbles inside. "guess what Sam bought me!" I look at the box in her hand and gasp , it's the fucking hair diffuser I've been wanting for months and I cry a little inside.

"woah! that's the denon one what the fuck" "yeah I've had my eye on it for some time now since you mentioned it that time" I nod in reply "you can borrow it when you want bae" " oh trust me I definitely will" she giggles and runs out and I close the door behind her releasing a long sigh.

Sam treats kat so well I sometimes can't help getting jealous. I've known these boys since we were 14 , i was best friends with the girl they both had feelings for and they were trying to communicate with her through me and somehow we three clicked and we have been together ever since.

I love these two with my whole heart but the way i love sam is totally different. i have loved him like that since 2017 and it has never once died down or disappeared and theres nothing I can do about it and that's what hurts the most. I don't see myself with anyone but him but I've made it pretty clear to myself that i am no home-wrecker and I will live with it and I have never once despised katrina because she's such a beautiful soul herself.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and scrunch up my hair with the towel. I picked out a corset top with a nice pair of white pants and the matching rings that me and colby wear , i spray perfume all over me and put on a pair of black stilettos before walking downstairs carefully.

i silently gape at all my friends , I've never been more luckier to have them as my friends. kat's in a beautiful green mini dress and white heels and Colby's wearing a black dress shirt with black pants and rings ( of course , including the one we both wear ) I chuckle to myself and my eyes slowly skitter to Sam and my heart does one of those cartwheels. Sam's in a white button up with two of the buttons undone and I can see his collarbone , he's in his black pants and has a bunch of bracelets. I'm a big supporter of men wearing jewelry and Sam looks beautiful.

Colby comes over to me and spins me around " hello my pretty Lily" I smile in return and grab his arm as we leave the house and reach this beautiful sky bar / restaurant. We walk in and it's such a trendy place with colorful bar stools and hanging champagne bottles , the waiter leads us to our table and i see tara and Jake already there waving at us "hey guys!" Tara says. I leave Colby's arm and hug tara really hard " i missed you miss yummy " " missed you more SpiderMan "

We all sit down and start talking and it feels really good , jake's talking about his new tv show addiction and Tara's just shaking her head and I chuckle. They are made for eachother , i hope they'll give eachother another chance one day. suddenly everyone's reciting hi's and I look to see who they're talking to and oh. my. god.

Nate freaking hardy walking towards us , for some reason everyone's Looking at me but I'm still in shock. Nate is Sam and Colby's bestfriend that i find attractive for no reason , i mean he is my friend and we talk a lot but he doesn't make me feel the way sam does. But he is definitely my favorite person right now and the group knows that so I guess they're assuming something but honestly in this moment he looks a little too good to be real. He smiles and sits down next to me "hey lil" "NATE!" i basically jump forward and hug him so tightly.

did I mention he gives good hugs. he's laughing and caressing my back "you missed me that much huh?" "Of course I did mister" we pull away and now even Sam is staring ,oh god."okay , what's going on" Kat's asking , Nate's quick to reply " what?" Sam touches her thigh and she says "Nevermind" i raise my brow Because what the fuck was that interaction.

The night continues and we are all on the dance floor with drinks in our hand and my favorite song comes on ( one of the girls ) and I quickly start swaying shouting the lyrics with my drink in the air , Colby's recording me from the bar and sam and kat are dancing infront of me.

Nate comes up to me and slings a hand over my shoulder and sways with me , kat nudges Sam to look over at us and he does , we make eye contact and I give him my best smile before turning the fuck around and dancing with Nate. I look at him and my heartbeat increases , woah is he attracted to me too?

many drinks later

You guys should all come back to the house" colby says and everyone agrees , next thing I know I'm in my sweats and we are all playing dobble on the living room floor. " SNACKS OUT GUYS" we all collectively groan and I stand up and grab my safety keys  "I'll go get some" "wait up! I'll come with" I hear Sam say and I freeze.

ari speaks ! ˚୨୧˚
second chapter and we already have a new love interest woaah! this book is a slow flame for sam and lily so pls pls stick around till the end , i hope everyone reading this has a good day/night , take care of your self and don't skip any meals !!

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