004. pancakes

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୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀


SAM WOKE up coughing and hacking waking up many of them , lily sits up rubbing her eyes as Nate's hand is around her waist , she looks over and chuckles and Kat's groaning "Sam , shut up" he looks at her and coughs again but attempts to hold it in and she sighs and turns over.

Lily looks over to Sam and they both make eye contact and he suddenly gets a coughing fit , she stands up and grabs his hand pulling him up as he scrambles onto his feet. She drags him to the kitchen and sets him on the counter stool.

He lets out another cough facing the other side. She goes to the cabinet in the bathroom grabbing a panadol cold and flu tablet and she walked back to the kitchen making him honey and ginger tea while he just watched her intently.

She pours it into a mug that has the xplr logo on it and hands it to Sam. She puts her hand on his forehead "Sam you're burning up,this is why you don't have 4 refrigerated white claws in one go" she pats his hair down and hands him the tablet.

"drink up" Sam's touching his hair , what was that static he felt? It's been a long time since lily gave signs that she cared for him. Lily comes back with a cold cloth and walks close to his face and softly places it on his forehead, she looks down at him and he's looking up at her softly. "thanks.."

she just smiled in return but for some reason the both of them weren't breaking eye contact infact it was getting more intense as if they're getting drawn to eachother and for a split second lily thought that maybe sam likes her back but she was quickly pulled back to reality , she needed to feel his body warmth so she hugged him and he hugged back inhaling her scent.

his hand moved up to her hair caressing it "you're my best friend you know that?" Lily pursed her lips , her voice shaking "yeah I know" she pulled away and let out a deep sigh and walked away.

She rushed up quickly upto her room shutting the door before sliding down it falling to the floor curling herself up before crying softly. How must a person feel when the person you love most in the world for years and years doesn't even see you in that way and isn't single , dating a person who makes them a better version of them self.

It hurts and it hurts and the pain never goes away , you can forget about it but it's always there no matter what and small moments can set that pain off and it can get really hard to distract yourself when they live together and do everything infront of your eyes. She stands up wiping her tears and gets ready for the day. Enough of this moping around , Sam's nit hers and never will be.

She comes downstairs all fresh and Nate picks her up spinning her around "good morning" she laughs "morning" he puts her down and takes her to the couch before crashing on to it , Colby's sitting and he pats his cheek and lily leaves a soft kiss. Nate pulls lily towards him and says "we are currently watching 13 going on 30 because we were planning to order in breakfast , pretty sure sam is ordering crepes and mini pancakes"

"He said it was your favourite or something?" "yeah it is , is Sam okay? he seems a little sick" "yeah he seems better since the morning" she nods and rests her head on nate's shoulder when suddenly a idea struck her.

she was definitely contemplating for absolutely no reason but kept brushing it off because what the fuck? , who even thinks of something that ridiculous. She ignores it and glances at the tv "oh fuck matt is so pretty" colby turns to her "never agreed more"

The doorbell rings and kat yells , "I'm coming!" she runs over to the door opening it , she grabs the bags from the delivery guy and places it on the counter near her. She grabs her wallet and pays for the food reciting "have a good one" before shutting the door.

Nate claps and stands up "I am staaarving , let's eat besties" , "back the fuck up" Tara says "we aren't bffs nate, we are familia" she says while doing anime hands signs , lily giggles as it reminds her of nick.

colby sets the table while sam simultaneously gives everyone pancakes. lily brings over the Nutella and maple syrup placing it on the table. "Anyone want anything to drink?" She asks "juice please" "chockie milk mother!" she nods giving Jake his chocolate milk and Nate his juice.

Sam turns to the side and coughs before sitting down , lily places a mug with hot tea on the table infront of Sam , he looks up and smiles appreciatively at her , her heart warms.

Colby pushes lily into her chair "sit the fuck down doofus" she scoffs at him , she grabs a pancake and boom , everyone is now munching away.

everyone is done eating and lily is currently washing the dishes , her mind drifts off to the thought she had earlier. She keeps absentmindedly considering it , would he agree or would he not? Would he think she's crazy or what? So many thoughts were swirling around in her mind over one singular proposition that struck her.

Nate places a dish in the sink , he notices her zoned out scrubbing the plate. "Uh lily? You okay?" she looks at him snapping out of her thoughts. "You okay?" He says pushing back a strand of her hair. Fuck it she thinks.


ari speaks! ˚୨୧˚
I'm telling you all now , lily is crazy for even considering this. but muahaha it's for the plot what an I say! , i hope everyone reading this has a good day/night , take care of your self and don't skip any meals !!

UNSPOKEN INTENTIONS ; sam golbach ( ON HOLD ) Where stories live. Discover now