Chapter 14

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It had been a week since we arrived at Atlas. We were being treated like normal students which was nice and it brought back memories from when things were normal in Beacon. I was walking through the halls with Nero, Trish and Lady while Pyrrha and Dante were back at the dorm.

Nero: All I'm saying is you guys should come to Vale some time and come to Devil May Cry. Got the best drinks.

Trish: Remind me why you're promoting your brothers business but you don't actually work for him?

Nero: The drinks are good!

Lady: Aren't you younger than Y/n?

Y/n: He has an exception from Dante. Glynda gets pissed every time Nero comes by for a drink.

Nero: Hey, I mostly come over to say hi to you!

Y/n: You have my number. Plus I am certain I come to see you and Kyrie more times than you come to visit me.

Nero tried to come up with an argument against me but failed. We continue walking until we come to a balcony that over looks the large city of Atlas. I sigh knowing things will never go back to how they were before the attack on Beacon. We all watched the sun set on the kingdom.

Trish: The view is nothing like Mistral but it's sure as shit a good view.

Lady: You guys think things will go back to how they were? Like, before Beacon?

Y/n: *sigh* No. Things will never be the same. But things will always change, we just have to adapt and change with them.

Nero: Couldn't've said it any better myself.

I hear footsteps behind us. When we turn around we see Winter and Ironwood along with Pyrrha and Dante.

Ironwood: Y/n, Nero, I would like to speak with you both in my office.

I nod before Nero and I follow Ironwood, Winter, Pyrrha and Dante to Ironwoods office. Once we arrive in Ironwoods office he sits behind his desk.

Dante: So, what's so important you had to call us up here? I was in the middle of a pizza!

Ironwood: I just wanted to say I appreciate your help around the academy. It's been very helpful for the other teachers.

While he talks I notice something flying at us from the window. It smashes through the window and impales Ironwood on a large metal sword that has purple volts of lightning coming form it. The armoured figure threw Ironwood out the window as everyone took out their weapons. It only just occured to me who this was.

Y/n: Cavaliere Angelo.

Cavaliere Angelo: Y/n Sparda and Dante Sparda. The kin of Sparda.

Pyrrha: What is that?!

Y/n: Cavaliere Angelo, he's a demon knight. Usually in control of a whole... army...

The realization kicked in as Cavaliere began laughing. He turned to Winter and was about to grab her but I slash at his armour, breaking some of it, making him look me directly in the eyes.

Y/n: Get Winter out of here! NOW!

Nero and Pyrrha grabbed Winter by the arm and pulled her out of the office and to the elevator while Dante and I faced Cavaliere with our weapons raised. But the Angelo doesn't fight but jumps out the window and flies off. I look down at the base of the academy and see the academy is also under attack.

Y/n: Dante, SDT, now!

I jump out the window and activate my SDT soon followed by Dante. We both soar down to the bottom level and see multiple Scudo Angelo's attacking the school. The staff and some of thee students were helping fend them off but they weren't standing much of a chance. Dante and I land on the ground catching the attention of most of the Angelo's prompting them to all focus on us.

Dante: Get everyone outta here! Evacuate the school and get Winter Schnee out of Atlas!

The staff nodded and began leading the students to Atlas bullheads that would take them away from the academy. Dante and I began slashing at the Scudo Angelo's buying time for the staff to evacuate the academy. Suddenly, Cavaliere burst into the academy. I tell Dante to stay here and kill as many of these things as he can while I fly through the hole Cavaliere made. When I arrive I see Cavaliere cutting down Atlesian Knights looking for Pyrrha, Nero and Winter.

Y/n: Cavaliere!

He turns to me after wrecking the last AK. He glares at me before breaking a hole in the floor causing a familiar scream to be heard. I look through the hole and see Cavaliere cornering Pyrrha, Nero and Winter. I jump down and stab my devil sword into his shoulder causing him to shout in pain before throwing be off and into a wall which caused me to deactivate my SDT.

Pyrrha: Y/n!

I look at and see Cavaliere kick Pyrrha and Nero to the side before grabbing Winter and flying up through the hole in the floor. I run to Pyrrha and Nero to check if they're alright.

Nero: Don't worry about us!

Summer: Y/n, you go.

We all turn and see Summer standing opposite us. I was confused on how she got here but I swiftly put that aside and nod before activating my SDT and flying after Cavaliere.

3rd POV

Cavaliere had broken into Ironwoods hidden armoury with Winter. He slashed his sword at the armoury wall, destroying it with ease and revealing the vault. Winters eyes widen before she's grabbed by the Angelo and thrown infront of the vault.

Cavaliere: Open it.

Winter: Why? So you can-

She was cut off by Cavaliere swinging his sword at Winter but purposely missing by an inch. She looks in fear before walking toward the vault. She used her powers to unlock the vault but watching from behind was Y/n. Once the vault had opened, the Angelo kicked Winter away before walking into the vault. The doors slowly closed so Y/n rushed to the doors and slipped through just before it closed. Winter stood up and looked at the doors worrying what might happen to Y/n.

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