v. intelligence

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v | intelligence

v | intelligence

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          𝕿he next few weeks of September and October were not spent surveying Riddle as Celeste had hoped, instead it was spent settling into NEWT curriculum, finding that it was a large step up from what she was used to. In History of Magic, each week, she would be writing a new, longer essay and Alchemy, though interesting, was going to be the death of her.

Celeste had been surprised to find that Dumbledore, albeit a younger one, was teaching Transfiguration as she had forgotten that Transfiguration was his speciality. She had only ever been used to seeing him as a headmaster. It was unfortunately not one of her specialities, because whilst she was good at it, she wasn't as good as some of the others in her class, mainly Tom Riddle. The only joy Transfiguration brought her was the fact that Dumbledore clearly didn't like the teenager so as much as Riddle strived for approval, he wasn't given it.

In Potions, DADA and Charms however, Celeste was top of the class and had quite comfortably knocked Tom Riddle from his position. Potions had always been her strong point, her mother had been a potions master in the ministry so all that Celeste had ever known growing up was potions. DADA and Charms were the results of the war, and Celeste was happy to admit that. It was the only good thing that came out of the war, as most of sixth year for Charms was learning to do non-verbal spells, something she was already good at, and the DADA teaching was not far off what she'd done before.

When they'd announced in DADA, a few weeks into the year, that Celeste had taken the top spot in the class, she had barely been able to hide her smirk, having seen the way Riddle tensed up and glared at the floor. It brought her a fair amount of joy.

So, in terms of her lessons, she was happy.

"Celeste, there you are." The seat opposite her at the library was pulled out as Walburga slid into it, placing her bag over her chair. Her hair was slightly windswept though she was quick to pat it back down again. "Have you done that new potions essay? The one due in for next Friday?"

"Yes." Celeste nodded, setting her extra reading down as she watched the woman.

"What did you say for whether or not Felix Felicis should be considered a useful potion or if it should fall under a dark potion?"

"I said that most potions should fall under the category of dark potions due to their ability to cause complicated issues. Felix Felicis, whilst not designed to be a dark potion, has the implications to be one. For example, someone's good luck may be trying to ask a woman out but what happens if that woman doesn't like the man, that's non-consensual or if someone wants to have good luck with not being caught by aurors." Celeste explained, before looking up at Walburga. "Basically, whilst the potion can be used for good, it is far more dangerous in the hands of others who have their own desires and wants."

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