vi. halloween

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vi | halloween

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          𝕷ate October brought with it the start of the winter storms season.

Whilst the Slytherin dorms were underground and didn't get the rain on the windows in the morning, it was often when they went to the Great Hall that they could hear the rain on the rafters and the ever changing sky above them was now normally grey and stormy.

But the end of October also brought with it Halloween and Celeste had forgotten how much she enjoyed Hogwarts Halloween decorations. There were live bats all around the place, on the walls and in the corridors. Pumpkins decorated the table, each one filled with sweets and carved to look like different things that were associated with each house. The suits of armor had been polished and the ghosts were all the more present.

Orange streamers were attached to the braziers, and there had been notes of the feast at Halloween so Celeste was excited, to an extent. She had missed this but it would be strange to be doing this without her friends. She would miss them.

"Celeste!" The woman looked around, finding her new friends sitting around the fire. They had got rid of the first years that had been sitting there previously, leaving a space for her beside Amelie. Celeste sank down beside the blonde woman, who had been far quieter after finding out about the betrothal that she was sure to be placed in by the summer. "Where have you been?"

"The library." Celeste chuckled as her friends all groaned. "What? I prefer getting my work done as soon as possible so that I have nothing to fear when it comes closer to the due dates. It is hardly my fault that you all leave it to the last possible moment all the time."

"No need for such harsh words." Fran teased, her legs tucked beneath her as she rustled through the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans that Nedra had just handed her. "We like to be stressed when we write our essays, makes it more funny and we work best under pressure...ugh, grass."

"Well, when you all have grey hair by the time you're twenty five, I shall laugh." Celeste took the box next, popping one in her mouth. "Popcorn."

"I hate these things." Fran huffed, passing it over to Amelie. "I always get grass."

"That must be an achievement. No one always gets grass, you have no luck." Nedra pointed out.

"I am cursed." Fran shook her head. "I bet one of you cursed me with only being able to get grass jelly beans in the first year."

"Oh yes, it was me." Walburga nodded. "Because my first thought was always to curse you to only get grass jelly beans for the rest of your life."

The five of them chuckled.

"Now, what are you lovely ladies chuckling about?"

"How ugly you are, Abraxas." Walburga shot back as the man placed a hand over his heart. Avery stood behind him cackling along with another darker haired man, who saw Celeste's confused look. She might have been attending classes for a few months now, but that didn't mean she was any closer to figuring out people's names. No one was particularly forthcoming with information and she thought that her dormmates had forgotten that she hadn't been around for their entire time at Hogwarts.

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