xxi. hangman's noose

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xxi | hangman's noose

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          𝕮eleste was tired.

School work was becoming an increasing pressure on her and now, with the added issue of learning wandless magic, she was nearly at the end of her limits. All of her free time was spent in the library, finishing essays, completing extra reading for her courses and for Dumbledore's studies.

She was becoming run down, her body overworked and mind full of information that she was starting to think she might never need.

"You are almost there, Miss Baker." Celeste blew her hair out of her eyes, pulling her robes back across her shoulders as Dumbledore watched her. "You just need more focus."

"I am focussed."

"You are distracted." Dumbledore corrected as Celeste shot him a sharp look. She did not appreciate that sentence coming from him. Who was he to tell her how her mind worked? "I know that sixth year is hard, but this should be a priority."

"Making sure that I am able to continue my life after all of this is said and done is a priority." Celeste corrected. She knew that she might never be able to go home, but that would mean that her life here was even more important. She had to get good grades, to be the top of her class, to even be considered for a role in the workforce because of her gender. She would not be guaranteed a job after school, not as she had once been.

"Celeste, if you wish to talk to-"

"I'm going." Celeste pulled her bag further up on her shoulder, before exiting the classroom and trudging the familiar path back to her common room and dormitories. She dropped her bag off there, before grabbing her pyjamas and heading back towards the bathroom. It was quiet, no one else was in there as she rolled her shoulders back, turning the baths on. No one was ever in there at this time of night, already fast asleep as she should be.

Celeste twisted her hair upwards, to keep it free from the water, slipping out of her clothes and dropping into the tub. The heat of the water relaxed her aching muscles, soothing them and her in the process. It felt like getting a hug from your mother, of relaxing when you wished to.

She clambered out when the water got colder, wrapping her towel around her before looking into the mirror. There were deep bags beneath Celeste's eyes, she looked far paler than she had done before even if it was winter and she wasn't getting that much sun, and was she imagining things or did her face look a little drawn?

Twisting, Celeste went to dry her hair before catching sight of a scar on her shoulder. She froze, turning to get a better look, and her eyes went wide. Across the back of her shoulder and curling around her right arm was a scar that had not been there before. It was pale at the moment, and small, but Celeste felt her heart sink either way. This was not good, not in the slightest.

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