Chapter 2- Trouble

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Din Djarin's point of view:

After I had heard the chime of the bell I quickly pulled my wallet out and dug out the business card. I hadn't read it when he gave it to me and now I was dreading it. "Skywalker Tech?" I read the large name on the card allowed.

Bo's eyes widened, "Skywalker? As in Luke Skywalker? Oh my god Din your going to be working for Luke Skywalker!" She exclaimed.

"Working..." I mumbled. "I wouldn't call it working, I'm not getting paid. Ill call it, involuntary volunteering. Besides, who on earth is Luke Skywalker?"

"Biggest rich kid ever. He inherited his dads company at twenty and now is the richest young adult in the country. Super stuck up..." she paused, "or so I've heard."

"Great." I rolled my eyes and stuffed my wallet back into my pocket, "What am I going to do at a tech company? This guy doesn't plan things out well does he."

"I suppose not," Bo shrugged, "Well, your shifts up now, go home and get some rest. I think you deserve it." She sniggered.

I untried my apron and hug it up on the wall hook, "Ill pay Ashoka a visit, see how she's doing and inform her about this." I made my way through the cafe and towards the door.

"Tell her I said hi!" Bo shouted from behind the coffee machine.

"I will! By Bo!" And left the door hearing a muffled chime.

As I walked through the busy streets of London, navigating my way through the still busy streets, I thought back to what happened today. All these crazy things. Absolutely insane I tell you.

Who knew spilling some coffee could land me in this much trouble? They say don't cry over spilled coffee, I suppose thats true however I will cry about serve debt.

Once I arrived at Ashoka's house I knocked and was soon met with Ashoka's unnaturally pale face, "My lord you are ill."

She weakly laughed opening the door wider, "Good afternoon to you too Din." I stepped through the threshold and looked around at her living room. Absolutely filthy.

"Do you want me to clean this up for you Ashoka? You cant get any better in this messy of an environment." I told her, following her as she sat down and went back to whatever she was sewing. I pulled the blanket up and over her legs. "I didnt know you had gotten back into sewing."

"Well I'm ill, I've got to resort to some form of mind challenging entertainment." She laughed and then looked up at me, "Your so generous Din, a quick tidy up would be lovely, I've been far too tired to do it. If you don't mind of course. Doesn't have to be a deep clean."

I smiled softly, "Of course, you get comfortable. Do you want me to put on the TV?" Ashoka shook her head, "Well do I have news for you." I laughed.

As I cleaned Ashoka's living room I told her all of todays events reviving shocked ah's and ooo's in response.

"So, a millionaire just offered you a job?" She asked in disbelief.

"Well not really a job. I'm not getting paid for any of it." I told her. "And apparently its not just any billionaire, its Luke Skywalker."

She scoffed, "That boy is bad news I tell ya. Watch your back with him or before you know it you'll be doing all his dirty work for him. Scheming little twerp I tell ya." She scowled.

"I mean I know he's a but stuck up but, dirty work? Scheming? What are you on about?" I laughed as I threw a packet of tortillas in the bin.

"It was his father who made me loose my job. Horrible man he was. I expect the exact same from that boy." She put down her seeing just to cross her arms.

"Well thats not fair Ashoka." I laughed as I adjusted some decorations on the cabinet, "You cant just judge people off their parents, if that were true then I'd-" I stopped myself, "Never mind."

"Well thats you Din. Always looking at the bright side. I gave up on that years ago." She frowned. "Look." She held up the thing she had been sewing for the past hour, "Its for Grogu when you cant heat your apartment. I don't want him to get cold."

It was a green onesie with cutouts for his ears, legs and tail. Seeing it brought a wide grin to my face, she handed it to me and I held it up to examine it, "Aww thank you Ashoka, he'll love this. I've had to wrap him up in toilet paper recently to stop him from meowing at me all through the night. Speaking of Grogu I need to pick up some more cat food for him."

Ashoka smiled, "I've got some in my cupboard for you. Go grab it, you can stay a but longer then. Go get the biscuits." She ordered me.

"Why do you have cat food for my cat?" I chuckled.

"Well I... what if a stray appears at my door huh? Its. It just for Grogu you know?" She explained.

"Mhm." I rummaged through the cupboard and pulled out the cat food, "Then why is it the exact brand I buy for the same age and breed?" I laughed.

"Okay maybe it is for Grogu." She said, "I like to be prepared."

I walked back into the living room with the cat food and onesie in hand and sat down on the sofa opposite her, "Do you not think I can support myself? Financially?"

She sighed knowing the conversation would of turned here, "Do you want my honest answer?" She asked. I nodded in intrigue. "No I don't think you can."

"Of course." I sighed and rolled my eyes, adjusting my position on the sofa.

"Im sorry." She held up her hands in defence, "But it is true. It's not wrong to get support you know Din? I know how independent you are and I admire that but... well sometimes I think you should find someone. Someone you like obviously. But just someone to help support you that bit more. I love helping you out but I cant all the time either. Would you ever consider trying?"

"What? Marry someone for their money?" I asked in disbelief that out of all the people to propose this it was Ashoka. Bo I would expect.

"No no no! Just maybe, find someone you like who could help you financially." She suggested.

I stood up slightly irritated, "I do not need financial help!" I got up ad stormed over to the door. "I love you Ashoka get better soon!" I meant it however my tone was extremely aggressive.

I left and slammed the door and stormed all the way back home.

1167 words

I didn't mean to but I feel like I've written Ashoka as a grandma 😂😭

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