Chapter 16- Exhausted

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Din Djarin's point of view:

Collectively, me and Luke had decided to leave the dinner. Luke had messaged Leia to tell her and asked her to bring the presents back go her and now Luke was driving me to his fucking mega mansion, in what seemed to be an incredibly tense car ride.

I had no clue as to why it was so tense, not anger, sadness, anxiety. It sounds perverted but the only word that fit was lust.

Out of pure boredom I turned the radio on, it was all rubbish so I turned it off. Luke cleared his throat and then spoke, "I'm sorry for some of the things I've said to you." He apologised.

Luke kept his eyes on the road but I turned my head to watch his face. His gaze never broke from the road. "Im sorry for tinge things I said to you as well."

We sounded like a teacher had made two spoilt preschool children apologise over something. Clearly neither of us were all that good at apologise but we knew we both meant it.

As soon as we had pulled up on the drive and got out the car, Luke's hands were back on my body (making sure to leave no clothed area untouched) as we stumbled down his driveway.

Still kissing me gently, Luke fumbled with the keys and then unopened the door. I didn't open my eyes once when we made our way through the corridor and then I felt myself being lay down on a large cushioned sofa.

I don't even know how we got here - if i was told a month ago that this would be happening I would of cackled, and probably been shocked. But it was real, Luke Skywalker was laying on top of me, trailing kisses down my neck snd touching all over my body.

His hand crept up under my shirt and the feeling of his cold finger tips made me shiver. I opened my eyes and looked up at him, Luke cracked as smile and then lay down next to me with a laugh. "God, I've wanted to do that for so long."

My head snapped to face him, as did my body, "Huh?" I asked, shocked by what he had just said.

"Oh you heard me," he pulled me in for another kiss, "I couldn't bare it all those times you were in front of me, I just wanted to kiss the attitude off your face."

My entire body heated up from that one small comment, "Thanks for the ego boost." I laughed, resting an hand in his arms.

"You? Ego? Never!" He responded sarcastically and once I had prominently rolled my eyes enough I kissed him once again.

As if naturally, the kiss slowed down and we drew our lips from each others, "Are you alright after what happened at the dinner?" I asked, giving him sympathetic eyes.

"Yeah, its you that I'm more-" he was interrupted by a phone call. "Sorry one second." He sighed.

He took the phone from his pocket and I didn't see the caller ID, Luke seemed displeased. He answered and put it on loudspeaker, "Dad?" Ahh that makes sense.

His father cleared his throat, "Luke? Where are you?" He asked, there was muffled noises in the background, which I assume to be the restaurant.

"At home?" Luke responded slowly and sarcastically. "Where else would I be?"

"Ugh." His father responded to Luke's attitude, "I cant find that Din either, is he with you? Never mind, I know he is. Im just telling you I don't approve."

Luke's face went sour, "Don't approve? Of what?" We both new exactly what but Luke was trying to embarrass his father.

"Your-" he paused and it almost sounded like he was going to be sick, "relationship." He
cleared his throat, "With that boy."

Luke didn't seem the tiniest but shocked, "Man Dad. He's a man." He smirked at me, "Defiantly a man."

"Well I don't approve!" His father shouted and then hung up.

Luke threw his phone onto the other sofa. "Ugh, sorry you had to hear that. At least it wasn't his worse."

"Are you okay?" I asked. Luke's eyes had gone weak and he looked deflated.

"Mhm. Lets just go to bed." He closed his eyes and witching minutes he was gone. It was probably better to go upstairs but Luke seemed so exhausted i just stayed with him, my arms around him.

762 words
Shorter chapter. Only a few more chapters left and they'll probably be short too :)

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