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2:36 PM
That was weird but you just keep walking. You finally get out of the school and Ellie and Ainsley were waiting in the car for you. You get in and totally avoid talking about what just happened. You were so tired you just wanted to go home. The only thing that would make you happy at the moment would be to work in your garden at home. Not surprisingly, when you got home you weren't tired anymore and you go up to your room. You jump on your bed and lay for a little bit. Not long after you go into your backpack to get out your homework. When you finish that, you remember how much you wanted to work in your garden. You go into a drawer in your desk and get out your gardening gloves. You go downstairs and see Ellie sitting at the island eating. Your mom was cleaning some dishes.

"I'm going to work on the garden." You say pulling the gloves on your hands. "Okay have fun!" Your mom says back. You happily walk outside to the backyard and go over to your small garden. You start cutting any weeds and giving it it's daily water. You also take off any unwanted bugs and reapply mulch and dirt where it was missing.

6:39 PM
You really like taking care of your garden. Its starts raining but you still go back around to the front of the house to put the bugs you got back into the grass away from your mini garden. As you stand back up and start walking to the front door a car drives by. Unfortunately there was a puddle in the middle of the road and it all splashes up towards you. You were shocked and soaked. You waddle back into your house through the front door. As you close the door and turn around you see Ellie was sprinting, basically flying down the steps.

"What the heck why are you so soaked? It wasn't raining that much." She asks you. "A car drove by and ran over a puddle... it sprayed all over me." Your mom comes in and her jaw drops

"Oh my Cinnamon Toast Crunch! why are you soaking wet?" You explain to her what happened and she takes you to your room to clean up. You take a shower then change clothes and give your soaked ones to your mom. She takes them to the basement to throw in the washer and then clean them. You sit on your bed thinking about what just happened. You shrug it off though and lay down. You lay there for a little then fall asleep.

11:57 PM
It was still raining peacefully and you were sound asleep until you hear a weird rustling sound outside your window. You spring up from your bed as your heart pounds. You didn't know what to do. Only a few seconds later you hear a knocking. Except it wasn't on your window. It was on Ellie's. Her room was right next to yours so you could hear everything. It was faint but you could still make out what they were saying.

"Hello is anybody in there?" Said the person outside. "Fuck." It sounded like a boy. You were frozen in your bed from shock. You were so confused but just laid back down. You heard curtains moving around then more talking.

"Um who's there?" You heard Ellie ask into the dark sky. "Wait your voice sounds familiar." Said the guy in the window. You were scared now because now you know Ellie didn't know who it was either. Which means she didn't invite him over. What was he doing here? Who is he? You think. Pure fear you felt as Ellie and the boy keep talking. After a little bit more of listening though, you recognize the voice a little. It sounded a bit familiar to the boy Ellie was talking to earlier in the day at school. You calm down a little now that you had an idea of who it could've been. After Ellie and the boy talking more you start hearing creaking and thumps. You sit up and look out your window. From what you could see, you saw an AF1 half out the window and heard creaking from the window being leaned on. You guess it was from him holding on to pull himself in. You lay back down in bed and try to fall back asleep to forget about it, but then it hits you. Why the fuck did Ellie let some boy into her room. Even if she did know who it was from around school, she didn't know him like that. You just roll your eyes. If your mom found out it would be on Ellie not you anyways.

6:00 AM
Ring Ring Ring... R-. You had set an alarm last night to wake up early so you weren't late like yesterday. As you were about to get up you remember that you also set a different alarm for 6:30 so you go back to bed so you get atleast just a little more time to sleep.

6:30 AM
Ring Ring Ring... Rin-. Your alarm goes off again and you shut it off. This time you actually get up. As your almost done getting ready you hear Ellie talking. You didn't think much of it though because she was probably just talking to herself like usual. But then you remember last night and what happened. Was she talking to the boy? You thought. You listen some more but only heard her voice so she couldn't have been talking to him. Maybe all last night was just a dream you had.

7:41 AM
You finish getting ready and get a cup of coffee real quick. You sip and text Crystal on your phone.
Crystal- heyy
Crystal- we're picking you up to drive you to school
You- we're?
Crystal- me and Sarah she's been dying to meet you
You- oh do you know where I live.
Crystal- nah
You- alright I'll send you the link to my address then
You- https://www.google.com/maps/place/666+ur+mom+Dr,+urguay,+um+19403.com
Crystal- alright we're on our way see you soon
You-see ya

To be continued

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