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9:45 PM
You close the door behind you and walk down the hall to the door that might be the bathroom. It had plants all around just like the rest of the house. When you close the bathroom door you hear another door open. It sounded like Crystals door because it was far away and Crystal's room was at the end of the hallway. You forget about it since it might've just have been Crystals parents. You wash your hands and open the door to leave. You didn't notice anyone at first because it was dark in the hallway, but you felt a hand grab yours. After watching a horror movie and being in almost pitch dark it scared the life out of you. You calm down and pull the person out of the corner to bring into the light from a small window. It was only Sarah. Thank goodness. You think. You giggle a little.

"Don't do that to me! You scared me so much". You say letting go of her hand. You start walking back to Crystals room but Sarah runs in front of you. "Wait!" She whisper yells. You were confused. What is she doing? Why isn't she using the bathroom? Isn't that why she came out? You think. She stares at you with seductive eyes. You stare at her back not knowing what to do. You slowly feel hands lay on your cheeks. Her eyes flicker up and down and all across your face. It all went quiet until Sarah leans in. You wanted to pull away, you weren't into her like that. She was nothing more than a friend to you. You know though if you did she would be hurt and embarrassed so you just let her do what she wanted as long as it was nothing too uncomfortable. You felt her lips against yours and her hands on your cheeks. It was okay until you realized this wasn't you and that you shouldn't do something you didn't like. You push away and Sarah looked sad.

"Sorry, I just... I'm not..." you didn't know what to say. Sarah just slightly smiles and then walks back into the bedroom. You stand in the hallway awkwardly, staring at the wall. Even though you were still stunned you crack a smile. You look left and right expecting people to come out with cameras or something. After a little bit of standing in shock you back in the bedroom and sit down with Crystal and Sarah. You guys watch the movie and every now and then you would look at Sarah. She seemed to be the only thing you could think of. You didn't like her like that but she was stuck in her head.

11:45 PM
You guys finish the movie and hang out for a little. It starts getting late though and you guys get in bed. Crystal laid on an air mattress and let you and Sarah take her bed. It was a bit awkward at first but then you didn't mind it.

10:02 AM
You woke up first and waited for Crystal and Sarah to wake up. You were on your phone and then suddenly felt someone finger comb your hair and rest on your shoulder. You turn around and see Sarah.

"What are you doing?" You ask. "Just making you change your opinion about me". You laugh knowing you wouldn't like her like that ever or at least any time soon. You laugh and let her continue to finger comb your hair since it felt nice. After a little while Crystal wakes up and Sarah pulls away from you. You sit up and tell Crystal good morning. She groans but then springs up. You jump back because she almost hit you in the face. Then look at Sarah and she looks at you too.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry it's just that I can smell my mom's pancakes. And let me tell you they are-" she makes a chef's kiss to the ceiling. You laugh a little. "Let's go down and see if they're ready". Crystal and Sarah get up and run downstairs. You were still pretty tired and also didn't know why they were so eager to go eat the pancakes. You get up too though and walk behind them. When you get downstairs you guys go between the two flights of stairs to the kitchen. Crystals house had a bunch of turns and rooms you didn't even know could fit in a house. But it was also big and she was rich so you weren't that surprised. You guys sit down at the island as Crystal's mom makes some pancakes over the stove.

"Good morning girls". She says putting the pancakes on plates now. "Good morning~!" Crystal exclaims. "Good morning Mrs. Potsley" Sarah says. It was obvious Sarah has been over before because Crystals mom seemed to love her and Sarah also already knew how good the pancakes were. You couldn't help but understand why Sarah and Crystal were so happy to go downstairs and eat the pancakes because they truly were delicious. You ate every bit and Mrs. Potsley even let you have seconds. You would've asked for thirds but Sarah and Crystal took seconds too already and you didn't know how many were left.

1:46 PM
You look at the time on your phone and see a message from your mom. You open it up and read it in your head.

Mom- Grocery shopping! Please come back home or you're in trouble. You know you're not supposed to be at other people's houses without telling me. You better not be with boys especially.
You- I'm not they're just friends
You- Not any boys I swear
Mom- Alright I'll be home around 2:30
You- ok

You sigh. "Sorry guys I got to go. My mom's not happy about me being over here and she's coming back to my house soon". You say grabbing your backpack and putting your stuff in it.

To be continued

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