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4:57 PM
You were in your room on your phone after waking up from your nap and then Ellie runs in. She grabs a bandana off your dresser and runs over to you.

Wait! Is Matt here yet?

No, but he will be soon so put this on.

Wait! But I need to get ready and you need to encourage me.

Okay okay. Go get ready then I'll give you some advice.

You come back all dressed up and Ellie gives you some "encouraging" words. At last she ties the bandana around your eyes and pulls you down the steps.

"Oh my god stop! I don't want to fall!" You yell after almost falling. "Oh please, I've got you. You won't fall." You guys run into the kitchen.

"Chris, what is going on? I'm going to kill you." Says someone who sounded like Matt. You weren't surprised he was annoyed. He was the only one there who didn't know what was going on. You giggle a little just thinking about him.

"It's okay Matt, it's not like you got kidnapped." Chris says from a distance. You didn't know exactly where though or where you were going.

You kind of did kidnap me though.

No because you drove yourself here lover boy.

You feel Ellie push you down so you assume she was pushing into a chair.

"Alright you two can take the blindfolds off now." You take yours off and see Matt sitting on the other side of a little round table. You were in your backyard but there were lights hanging on the pillars outside the back door and in the bushes. Matt looked extremely confused as he quickly runs his hand through his hair. You pretend to be confused too just because you didn't want him to know it was all your idea. He's looks around and at you. He stops looking around and tries acting "chill". You let out a giggle at the sight.

"What?" He says. "Do you know what this is and why we're here". You shake your head.

"Nope. Ellie does a lot of goofy things... you know?" You say awkwardly. He gives you another confused look.

"Doesn't matter. Sorry". You say shaking your head and looking away. It goes quiet for a little but then you wanted to bring up Crystal. You didn't know why you use wanted to know if he was interested in her.

"You know who Crystal is? In my grade. I think she likes you but she never admits it".

He looks shocked and a bit grossed out.

"We're not friends but I know who you're talking about". He says. "Well I was over at her house last night and Sarah was there too." You say. Then you realized that he probably didn't know who Sarah was so you tell him. After explaining who Sarah was you told him about her kissing you. His jaw dropped.

"No way! Did she have like a crush on you?" You think for a little. She might've because why else would she kiss you.

"I-I guess. I mean I never really thought of it like that". You say really thinking about it now. You snap out of it and remember why you wanted to be with him. It was to get your mind off of her.

"Can we change the subject I don't want to think about her right now. I don't why I brought her up."Matt smiles and starts talking about the project. You had til monday to turn it in and it was Saturday.

"Do you want to work on it later or something? I have it in my room". Matt nods. You laugh and talk for a while.

5:21 PM
It was fine until you and Matt ran out of things to talk about. You guys look at each other. You were desperate to be with him but couldn't bring yourself to make a move. Matt looks at you then your lips. He gets up out of his seat and leans over the table. You sit up too so you guys were super close. You go for it and kiss him. But then you stop and open your eyes. Out of the corner of your eye you see your mom standing in the back doorway shocked. It was silent for 3 seconds until your mom slides the door open and started yelling.

"What in the world?! Y/n? You know better than to have boys over!" She yells waving a spatula around. She yells at you more and you look at Matt. Your mom's head swings over to him. "And who are you? You look older. look I'm very sorry but you need to leave". Your mom says to Matt.

You give Matt an I'm-sorry-look. He just smiles slightly and gets his stuff to leave. He walks out the gate in the back. He waves to you before getting in his van. You smile back and wave too. Your mom death stares you as you get up. Ellie comes up behind her. She mouths sorry to you. You just roll your eyes.

"You girls clean this all up and I'll make dinner." She walks back in the house and you and Ellie stand there.

6:10 PM
When you were done taking everything down in the backyard you and Ellie were putting the stuff back into the basement you thank her even though it got ruined. "no problem." Ellie replies. You could tell Ellie felt bad but you couldn't blame her, it wasn't her fault.

"That spatula was getting tortured huh?" She says trying to brighten the mood. Her "trying to brighten the mood" pushed you over the edge though.

"Are you kidding me I'm embarrassed and you're joking around?" It goes silent for a little bit. "I didn't mean for her to find out you know."

"It doesn't matter! I'm going to get in trouble and you won't!" You say raising your voice.

Well that's not my fault!

You thrown a ball of lights down and run upstairs. When you get in your room you slam the door and sit against the wall.

To be continued

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