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2:01 PM
Crystal drops you off at your house and you get out of the car. You wave to her and Sarah from your front door as they drive away. You smile to yourself because now you finally had friends again. You go upstairs and put your backpack down next to your bed. You lay on your bed and check your phone for any notifications. While you were replying to texts you heard a loud crash from downstairs, then water spraying. You spring up from bed and run down the stairs. You look in the kitchen and saw Ellie with one foot in the sink and water spraying everywhere.

"What in the world are you doing?" You yell. "Shut up, I don't want mom hearing." She says putting her hand over your mouth. You pull her hand off you.

It's fine she's at the grocery store.

"Can you please help me clean this up before she gets home?" She begs "Please~" Ellie put her hands together and shoves them in your face. You hesitate but ends up agreeing to help. While you guys were cleaning you were thinking about Matt. He was in the same grade as Ellie and might know her and she might know him. You could ask her for help with him if she did know him. It would help you get your mind off Sarah and last night.

2:18 PM
When you guys were done you ask "Since I helped you, can you help me now?" You wiped the sweat off from your forehead and sigh.

"Yeah what's up?" Ellie asks.

You grab her wrist and pulls her to sit down on the couch with you.

"Okay so there's this boy I like and was wondering if you could set me up with him?" You ask nervously.

"Omg I love the tea what's his name?" Ellie asks eagerly.

"Well you might know him. He's in your grade." You explain.

Ohhh, older I see.

Shut up okay... his name is Matt Sturniolo. I think you're friends with him right?

She laughed. "yeah I just saw him..." she stares at you for a little then realizes what you said. Then her jaw drops.

"Why'd it take me so long to process that. But yeah I know him. I'll talk to Chris about it and maybe we can do something." Ellie grabs her phone to text Chris.

"Chris? What's going on with you guys?" You scoot closer to her trying to see what she was saying. She smiles a little bit then scoots away and turns so you couldn't see her screen.

"Oh my god, you're blushing!" You scream. Ellie sat up and put her phone down.

NUH-UH! I'm not doing this for you if you're gonna be like that.

"No, please do it!" You beg. "Fine, but only because you helped with the floor." Ellie rolls her eyes and continues texting Chris. You giggle and patiently wait for her to be done texting her new "boyfriend". Finally she puts down her phone and starts laughing. She looks you up and down and then shoulder bumps you.

"He's so old~ why don't you just let him be with someone he actually likes. Like some old lady". Ellie says rolling her eyes but still smiling. You give her a what-the-fuck-look. "GIRL! Chris, Nick and Matt are triplets so they're all the same age. Does that ring a bell?" You say. You knew she was joking but it's wasn't funny since she was literally with Matt's brother.

5:04 PM
After you and Ellie finished eating your dinner, you guys ran up to her room. "Do you even know him or is he just a hallway crush?" Ellie asks you.

"Well he's not a hallway crush, he's the "helper" in my class." You make air quotes. "I've also hung out with him in the library before though. It was just for a partner project and he volunteered since there weren't enough people left. It was so awkward because it was just us except these two other people kissing." You say sitting down next to her. Ellie stares at you blankly.

"That might've been me and Chris to be honest." You guys silently stare at each other then start laughing. "You're crazy, Matt is better looking." You flip your hair.

"WHAT? No he isn't, weirdo". Ellie says grabbing the remote for her tv. She asks you what you guys should watch. You tell her she can pick. As Ellie scrolls through different channels and apps, you were thinking about Matt and what Ellie planned for you guys. Finally Ellie chooses some movie you've never seen before but you also couldn't give a rat's ass about. You watch it anyway though because you wanted Ellie to think you actually cared about it. She just seemed really happy and you didn't want to bring her down by telling her you didn't like her favorite movie.

11:02 AM
You slept in after staying up late watching movies with Ellie. When you woke up, you finally go downstairs to eat. Your mom had left some food from earlier this morning for you. It was kind of cold so you warm it up in the microwave real quick. While you ate you check the notifications on your phone. You had texts from people and then there was one from an unknown number. You were gonna delete it but then you read what it said and was shocked.

Unknown- Heyy
Unknown- it's me Matt
Unknown- Chris asked your sister for your number for me
Unknown- lmk when you wake up

You smile to yourself thinking you had Matt's number now. You were gonna text him about Chris and Ellie's plan but you didn't know if he already knew or if you should keep it a secret. You just reply to his text saying hey back and then you added him to your contacts. You talk with him for a little then decide to take a nap while you wait for Ellie to finish the plan for you and Matt.

To be continued

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