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8:39 AM
Only about ten minutes ago a boy left to use the bathroom. Suddenly the same boy comes back in the class room out of breathe and shocked. The teacher stands up from her seat and walks over to him to make sure he was okay.

"Is everything alright? What happened? Do you need an inhaler?" She goes over to his desk and gets an inhaler out of his bag and gives it to him. Everyone was looking over at him. He was shaking and looked hesitant to say what happened.

"Please don't tell him I snitched." The boy says. The teacher calms him down. He explained what happened and he said that there was a fight between Chris and some other kid in his grade. Everyone gasped and some even stood up to look out in the hall to see it.

"Everyone sit down now! No one is leaving to watch it. I will talk to Mateo outside the classroom and you guys keep working." You look and Matt he had an anxious and worried expression on his face. You hesitate at first but grab his hand and hold it to make him feel better. His head moved from trying to look out the window on the door to his hand in yours. He looks at your guys' hands to your face then down to your lips. He pulls his hands away gently and walks out of the classroom to talk to the teacher. You could still see Matt out the window. You watch him walk towards the nurse's office. You didn't know why at first but then realized it was probably to check on Chris and see if he got hurt during the fight. You smile to yourself thinking about Matt.

2:31 PM
You get outside and Crystal was waiting in her car. You hop in the back since Sarah usually sits in the front. You put your backpack on the seat next to you then realize Sarah wasn't even in the car.

"Where's Sarah?" You ask Crystal who was scrolling on TikTok. She just shrugs and you guys sit there for a minute. Finally Sarah comes out of the school. She says she was "staying after class with one of the teachers" but you knew she was joking because the only few guy teachers are in other grades. You guys start driving and as you were starting to get farther away you could've sworn you saw Ellie. You wanted ask her so many things like if she saw the fight or if she was involved. She's friends with Chris or even more than friends so she might've gotten front row seats to the whole thing. You also wanted to know who the other kid was who got in a fight with Chris and why Mateo was so scared of him.

2:43 AM
Crystal stops at your house and you throw you bag on the couch and run back out to her car. She didn't live too far away so you drive there to hangout. You couldn't sleepover though because your mom was still mad from last time you were over, and also probably from yesterday with the whole Matt thing.

"I can't stay for a sleepover or anything though. My mom's mad at me still." You say as you all go upstairs to Crystals room. "No problem. We've got school tomorrow anyway." She was right, you didn't even think of that.

3:17 PM
You all were just talking and eating the snacks Crystal had gotten from her kitchen. While you were just laughing with them you notice your phone started ringing. It was your mom calling you. You pick up and your mom sounded pissed.

Where the hell are you y/n?? You were supposed to be home almost half an hour ago.

"Sorry mom." You try and think of an excuse. "It's just that... Crystals car broke down and we had to wait for someone to help us. I'll be home in like 10 minutes probably." You couldn't tell her you were actually at Crystals house after you didn't tell her last time either. You and your mom talk for a little then you hang up.

"Well, I gotta go. We can hang over the weekend though maybe?" You say standing up. "I gotta go too I have softball practice at 5". Crystal and Sarah both are standing now too and you all go outside to Crystals car.

3:29 AM
You finally get back and go inside where you see your mom carrying a laundry basket upstairs.

Hey mom.

Hey. Is Crystal's car alright? are you alright?"

Yeah it was really slow then stopped on the side of the road.

Oh I wonder if it'll be on the news.

No... mom... it was on the back road because we wanted to take a short cut and even if it wasn't it wouldn't make the news.

You and your mom talk about it for a while and then you finally go upstairs to your room to do your homework. You put some
music on because you like listening to it while doing literally anything.

3:34 PM
You finish and go downstairs to watch tv. You were in the mood to catch up on your show so you sit down on the couch and put a blanket over you.

4:52 PM
As you were just hanging out you hear the front door open from behind you. At first you don't know who it is but then realize it was most likely Ellie.

"Hey y/n." You give her the silent treatment so she just goes upstairs. As you continued watching you hear your mom and Ellie talking. You heard something like "hoodifis oohyue" but you doubted your mom would say gibberish like that so stop trying to listen in. Not long after your mom and Ellie were done talking you saw your mom come running down the steps with Ellie slowly walking behind her. She had her hand on her cheek and hair draped over her face because her head was down looking at the floor.

To be continued

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