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⚠️please read: I changed my layout out so my writing isn't the same but more accurate⚠️

8:06 AM
You don't know what to say so you just nod. "Do you want to go now, for homeroom?" She says. You nod again and get up. You make your way down to ms. Levine's room. When you go in you saw Ellie in one of the chairs. She looks back at you.

"I hope your teachers told you this but you'll be having meetings in here with each other and I'll help guide the conversations so you might get along again. It's not healthy to hate someone you're always around and you guys can't help living in the same house but you can forgive each other." You think about it until Ellie says something.

"Forgive each other? There's nothing for her to forgive. I did nothing wrong." Ms. Levine shakes her head. "You don't know that, maybe you're just not aware. That's why you have to listen to what the other person has to say." You stay silent because you don't want to get on Ellie's nerves even more. It goes silent for a little and then Ms. Levine starts talking again.

"If you guys want to talk about something private without the other sister, just let me know after today's meeting." You think about it but decide not to because you could just talk to Mom or the triplets.

8:40 AM
The meeting wasn't horrible and was only about a half hour. Ms. Levine just asked questions like what happened so she could get a better understanding of our perspectives and how it was before the SA. It nice to talk to her but kind of pointless because you knew Ellie would hold a grudge over it for the rest of her life. You forget about it and just start going back to class. There are 10 mins left until the bell rang. When you get into the class with Matt the teacher informs everyone that no one finished their projects so you guys got today as an extra day to work on it. You feel relieved and wait for Matt to come in. He walks in and sits in an empty desk to the right of you. You smile at him and he smiles back.

"Sorry, we would've had more time to get the project done if my mom didn't kick you out." You say grabbing the stuff.

No worries. I'm just thankful we weren't the only ones who didn't finish.

You smile at him and then scootch your desk over next to the one he sat at. You guys didn't have too much to finish because most of it was done in the library. Matt could tell you weren't as enthusiastic as you usually were so he could tell something was up. He looks at every inch of your face before saying something.

"What's wrong?" You were kind of shocked about how he could tell. You thought you weren't making it so obvious.

"I-... I just have so much going on with my sister, and my mom, and then Sarah". Matt looks at you confused.

"Sarah?" You realized you never told him about Sarah and started chuckling. "Oh sorry my bad. I forgot to tell you." You explain what happened at the sleepover to him. He looked shocked for a second and then he remembers you telling him about her at your "backyard date". He smirks and gives you a look that said he was convinced something was going on between you guys. As confused as you were you start chuckling and then laughing.

"What... why are you looking at me like that. We're not together it just happened." Matt looks deep in your eyes without noticing he was doing it. You couldn't help but just blush and get flustered as your laughing fades. You look at him back not knowing what to do. Matt finally breaks as he notices you looking back at him though.

"Are you like into girls then." He asks. "No, she was the one that went for it. I have no Romantic interest in her or any girl in fact." Matt's eyes light up and then he laughs and sits up. "iN fAcT." Matt mocks you and sticks his finger in the air. You can't help but roll your eyes and smile. You push his head away with your hand. You guys sit quietly for a little and look at each other. You look to the front right of the classroom and see Crystal staring at you and Matt. At first she doesn't seem bothered and you think she was probably just zoning out. But when she looked away her cheeks get red from embarrassment and rolls her eyes. You know she doesn't not like you or wish anything bad on you but you also know she had a thing for Matt. You feel uneasy but look back at Matt. He was still looking at you.

"Alright now guys, we should be done but just in case, who did not finish." No one raises a hand or calls out but just looks around. It was quiet until finally the teacher speaks up again.

"Ok, we can all take time to share them to the class before we run out of time for the day. You will be graded on your performance too so behave." Everyone starts talking about how they didn't know they were gonna have to present. Many groups go up until finally the teacher calls for you and Matt. You guys get up and do pretty good considering a pair of boys who's project sucked and they laughed the whole time they were up there.

1:07 PM
The bell rings and everyone rushes to get out except you and Matt. Crystal waves to you before leaving. She would wait but she was meeting a friend at lunch. You and Matt walk until finally having to split apart. He waves and you smile back at him. You  cant help but think about him from one class to another. He was everywhere in your head. It would probably be weird to tell him your feelings since he's older and just a friend. You shake it off and then continue on with your day.

To be continued...

Sorry it took so long for this chapter to come out I just haven't been motivated to do much recently. Love y'all tho <3

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