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You jump up from your bed and put your cup in the sink real quick. You hear a knock on the door, you rush over thinking it was Crystal. Instead it was Ainsley. Behind you Ellie comes rushing down and then drags her upstairs. You watch her wave to you right before was gone up the stairs. You laugh a little then turn around to see Crystal pulling up to your house. She pulled up in a nice white convertible. A smile grows on your face and you run to get your backpack. You jump in the back because the girl you were guessing was Sarah was sitting in the passenger seat. She was slouched down in her seat with her feet up on the dashboard. Her hair was also draped over the back of her seat.

"Just finding a song to play and then I'll be ready." She says. You smile but Crystal rolls her eyes. After a little Sarah puts her phone down and turns around to look at you. "Hii, I'm Sarah. You've probably heard of me before because Crystal here loves me so much and probably talks about me a lot." She says making a talking motion with her hands.

"Actually no not really she only said how much you wanted to meet me". Sarah's head swings around to look at Crystal. "Wow is that the only thing you know about me or something?" Crystal opens her mouth to defend herself from Sarah's allegations but Sarah ignores her and starts playing some music connected from her phone on the car.

Ugh, you're so annoying, at least you picked a good song.

7:55 AM
You sit in the back silently not knowing what to say as Sarah and Crystal sing their lungs out to the song playing. The song ends and Sarah lowers her hands from the air and laughs. Another song starts playing.It sounded familiar but you couldn't make out what was playing. As the sings continue and the words come in you recognize it.

No way! Hotel Ugly." You smile and start humming along. You look up and see Crystal looking at you in the rearview mirror.
"What the hell is Hotel Ugly?" She asks.

"Just this duo I like listening to. They're not very popular so that's kind of why you wouldn't know them." As the song continues both of Sarah and Crystal's eyes widen up. You guys stop at a red and they both turn back to look at with smiles on their faces.

"Um, what?" They start giggling and sing along to the song. "I thought you didn't know this song."

Well we know this part.

Yeah and the only reason we do is because it was in Matt Sturniolo's TikTok.

Who? You think. The girls look at the confusion on your face and explain that there's a popular boy in the year above you who's a triplet. Crystal gives you her phone and on it was a video of him lip syncing to the song with a blonde boy with him. You realize it's the boy that helps with your class. You also understood why they only knew one part of the song because that was the part in the video he was singing to. The song Shut Up My Mom Is Calling was the song and it was by Hotel Ugly. You couldn't take your eyes off the video.

"Cute huh?" Sarah asks. You stop looking at the phone and hand it back to Crystal. "No, I just like the song."


You look up at them and smirk. "Ohhhhh" they both say at the same time. Then they look at each other and smile. "Well you got the get-to-know-him-part down." Sarah says giggling. You were so confused. what the hell were they talking about?

"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask.

"Well if you like someone you have to get to know them first". Sarah says as the car stops at the school. You all get out and Sarah continues talking.

Then hang out with him more and get to know things about him.

You didn't like how Sarah was talking so loudly about boys because you could see people staring at the three of you. "Um I never said I liked him also, won't these people think something's going on if they hear us." Crystal rolls her eyes but still smiles and Sarah puts her arm around your shoulder.

"They don't know who we're talking about sweetie." Sarah says looking at you with a smirk. You didn't know what to do or say and just went along with it. You all talk until Sarah has to go to her classroom down the hall. You get your stuff from your locker and walk to home room with Crystal right next to you. When you get in you sit in your seat and Crystal goes to hers over by her other friends. You couldn't help but think about the class where you would finally get to see Matt again. You try and convince yourself you just liked that class but deep down you knew you liked him.

11:53 AM
After four whole periods you finally get to the class you've been waiting for. You happily sit down and wait for Matt to come in. Eventually while the teacher started explaining todays activities you look out the small window on the door. Matt was standing there waiting to be let in. You raise your hand.

"What is it y/n?" The teacher asks. All you had to do was point to the door and everyone including the teacher turns their head.

"Oh! My fault I always forget this door closes from the outside." She says opening the door for Matt. "No problem". He replies making his way towards the back and you. The teacher continues talking again and explains that you will be starting the one pager project today. You had til Monday to finish it. A kid raised their hand and asked how you guys were supposed to finish it in two days.

"Just work on it over the weekend. You only need to plan it out in your notebook and then put the real deal on a bigger piece of paper, and that parts easy. An hour is plenty of time to a little bit of sketching and writing down what you learned." The teacher says as everyone groaned. Finally the teacher tells you guys where to get all your supplies and sends you off on your own to get started.

To be continued

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