6 - Police Headquarters

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Akira's POV:

Raph was telling April and Casey about our plan..but April didin't seem very convinced. I was nervous so I took a bite out of Mikey's pizza and gave it back to him. What? We're siblings! " And is Leo good with this plan? " shiiiittt. Raph wasn't sure what to tell her since we were straight up lying to her face. " Uhh actually I'm in charge on this plan. Ain't that right guys? " He asked turning his head to us. FUCKK " Rightt " Mikey said with wide eyes. " Yup! That's right. " I said scratching the back of my neck. Okayy we were being suspicious with this. 

Raph then moved some Orange crush cans and off the table in order to create space for the map. Damn where'd he get that? " Okay so we can take the elevator shafts, you two can stay on the ground" he was cut off by Stacey, ohh I mean CASEY. " I- I can't just WALK into police headquarters. " Raph sighted " What are you? Chicken? " " Who you callin' chicken? Turtle. " Casey offended my brother as he stood up. He got in his face and Raph faced Casey with an angry look. " Do you want to find Bebop and Rocksteady or not? " Raph asked wanting to get this whole thing over with. Casey then  said " So we're breakin' into police headquarters. " as he grabbed the sides of his jacket and tugged on 'em.

April made a face, the tension between those two was OBVIOUS. We looked at each-other and mouthed ' Boys ' I then mouthed ' I know ' as we continued discussing the plan some more.


We flipped on to the elevator shaft as it started going up. Mikey pointed upwards and smiled, I smiled back at him. Mikey and Raph and Mikey got the card from the cop's locker while I was making sure April could get past the system. Mikey dropped the card through the vent and April caught it! " Cowabunga. " she said
I exhaled in relief. Then the unthinkable happened! Two foot soldiers ran in. One of then was holding the purple ooze while the other was empty-handed. Mikey gasped before they jumped over Casey and April's heads and started running.

Casey ran after them and April hit the alarm button and started chasing them with Casey. Mikey then called Donnie on his T-phone. " Oh hey Mikey! What's up? " " Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! " Mikey exclaimed in a panic. " What's goin' on ? "
Leo questioned. Mikey then explained the situation we're in. " Hang tight Mikey! We'll be right there! " " We're on tha move. " Leo said before Don hung up.  I could tell he was still mad by the tone of his voice. How could he be so CALM in a situation like THIS?!

We jumped off of the elevator shaft into
the vents. " We have to get above the exit! " Raph alerted us. The foot dropped smoke-bombs while fighting the officers. Raph trued to go down but Mikey grabbed his shoulder. " What are you? Crazy? We can't be seen! "  " That was our only shot of bein' normal, and it's headin' to the front door. "  " Are ya'll with me or not? " " Fine. " I gave in as Mikey nodded. " Let's go. "  Raph ordered. He then literally made a hole in the cieling. Mikey jumped after him and they started fighting Foot soldiers. I stayed in the vent. I wasn't scared but I kne we would be in trouble.

They don't need the purple ooze I like them this way. Raph stepped on the ooze and took it. Officers surrounded him and Mikey! They tried saying something bit the officers were yelling at the top of their lungs. Leo and Don got there too.
" Fuck this! " I jumped down from the vent and ran towards the officers. My class were out and my ears down. I was hissing like I was about to kill  'em. Half of them pointed their guns at me. " Kie. "
Leo called, trying to tell me there's no point while the others we're begging the officers not ti shoot me. I raised my hands up and stopped in my tracks while death-staring the officers.

April and Casey ran to the scene while raising their hands up. " No don't shoot! "
April screamed. " Go " we didin't move.
" Go! " she yelled. My brothers all jumped through the broked glass while an officer held me back. He hit my tail with his gun as I screamed. But then the gun was thrown out of his hands and he was pushed on the floor. Someone offered their hand out to me..it was Donnie. I took it and we got out of there. " Are you okay? " " Yeah I'm fine, thanks " " No problem. " we talked while running. We than caught up with our brothers.

Heyy yalll! Ik rhis was kinda short, BUT I have news!! I have been wanting to start writing another book for a while now. Anddd Idk if O should finish thos story orr start writing the other one amd write this one at the same time? Bc theres probs like 2 or 3 chapters left so yeaaahhh. But ill figure it out! Luv ya! 🫶🫶

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