The fortunate son

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10 years ago
Gojo Clan Household

Special grade Sorcerer, Suguru Geto was sitting on the back porch of the Gojo clan household with the clan heads younger brother, (Y/n) Gojo

Geto stood up and began walking away as (y/n) only ever saw his backside from that point on

(Y/n):what could we have done better for you...?

Present day
Tokyo, Jujutsu High

Walking up the steps to the Tokyo division of jujutsu high was the strongest sorcerer of the modern age, Satoru Gojo

Satoru:now I know it's a few days late but I needed to get the class sorted before throwing you into the mix.

Walking a few paces behind him was his younger brother who had an unbothered expression

Satoru:once you're enrolled I want you to look after your class, some of them are a bit rough around the edges. You'll be the strongest first year, after all.

(Y/n) smirked

(Y/n):heh, of course. It's the duty of the strong to protect the weak so I'll have my work cut out for me.

As the reached the top of the steps the sun began beaming down on them through the trees but their respective blindfold and sunglasses stopped any blinding

Satoru:but just because we're related doesn't mean I can go easy on you, so no slacking off. That'd just make me look bad as a teacher. So you'll have a special initiation compared to most other students.

(Y/n):ohh? Well go on now, don't keep me in the dark.

Satoru came to a stop at the center of the courtyard and turned around with a goofy smile

Satoru:for your initiation you'll be going up against your fellow first years! If you can beat them all without taking a single hit then you'll be effectively enrolled on the spot.

To the left side of the courtyard a pair of bushes rustled as (y/n) looked out the corner of his eye

Satoru:however the reverse is also true. If they can land a blow on you, your enrollment will be voided instantly.

On the gateway behind them someone stepped on one of the tiles that lined the top and (y/n) looked over his shoulder but couldn't see anyone directly

(Y/n):oh boy, you really brought your little brother into an ambush?

He looked ahead with a smirk to see Satoru chuckling

(Y/n):*That's odd however...I could've sworn I heard there were 3 additional students including myself...unless the cursed speech user Inumaki's been able to completely conceal his presence...*

Satoru started slowly raising his hands into the air

Satoru:alrighty everyone...ready...?

His hands grew closer together


He paused for a short moment

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