Limits of Limitless

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Jujutsu High, Tokyo

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as he jerked towards the school in a panick


A black humanoid insect curse with the head of an ant manifested behind (y/n) wearing a samurai helmet, shoulder pads and chest piece with a katana at its hip

(Y/n) sensed the curse and turned around to see it squatted down in a QuickDraw stance

(Y/n) took a step back on reflex when his right arm was cut off just below the shoulder

The ant curse drew its sword and swung in an upward arch slicing along the new wound to the sorcerers arm


He was in disbelief as he watched his arm fall away from the new wound when the switched the grip on its sword and began swinging down when (y/n) snapped out of it and leapt back several meters creating distance between the two of them and landing on the base of the ruined stairs

The curses blade sliced the severed arm in half and in a flurry of nearly invisible slashes reduced (y/n)'s severed arm to a pile of meat on the ground

(Y/n) dropped to one knee still staring in disbelief at where his right arm once was

(Y/n):* cut my arm off?! Th-that's not possible! Nothing gets through my infinity! I haven't run out of energy yet so why is my arm gone?!*

He started hyperventilating as the blood gushing from his wound started to pool on the ground and soak his right pants leg and he started getting light headed as well

The curse stood upright as it remained in place, Geto walked up alongside it with the chameleon curse missing once again

Geto:Do you like this curse? I recently acquired it but I haven't named it, I think Migi will fit nicely. It's only a First Grade but quite effective, no?

(Y/n):*d-damnit you idiot! Don't lose your cool! What...what would Nanami do in this scenario?*

He took a deep breath as he stood upright in his puddle of blood and gripped his wound as he applied pressure to slow the blood loss

(Y/n):*The last thing he'd do is lose his cool. Stop the bleeding and analyze the situation. Reinforce the area with cursed energy and don't lose sight of your enemy, so I'll destroy all those fodder curses and prevent their further use. It'll be draining but I don't have a choice.*

He looked back at the massive dust cloud mere moments after exiting it and stretched his remaining arm towards it as a blue cursed energy started crackling in his palm

(Y/n):cursed technique amplification, maximum output, Blue!

The energy formed a massive blue sphere and launched towards the hidden enemy as the small curses and dust cloud were pulled inside and shredded to pieces

Geto and the Ant curse Migi leapt to the left and right respectively as blue passed between them yanking away the Flyhead curses and any lose stones in the ground

(Y/n) swung his arm upward as Blue flew high into the sky and suddenly became stationary far above the school

Geto:*He used an amplified blue without any incantations, so he was desperate to locate us again and he'll be on high alert now that I've injured him like that. He's positioned Blue above the school to draw in any curses that can't resist its pull as well.*

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